"We survived because Clarke will not allow anything else. We will not follow you when you get to the ground. The council is over as far as the 100 goes. I suggest you learn to work with Clarke. The grounders see her as our leader and we will not change that fact. The fact is she is our leader." She was fuming at his treatment of me. I wasn't naïve. I knew the 100 were anti going back to the rest of our people. They believed and rightfully that the council viewed us as expendable. I made sure everyone mattered and treated them with respect honoring their points of view and opinions by listening to them. I may not go with their ideas but they were heard which is more than the Ark would allow anyone who wasn't privileged. I earned their respect and they had mine.

"Thank you Raven." She stopped talking and bowed her head walking out of view. "The truth is Chancellor if you push your authority on us we will not join back up with you when you land on the ground. We have all of the guns and ammo from the depot and we are quite capable of surviving on our own. We don't want this but we will do it. Many of my people think you believe us to be expendable and your actions prove their point. The choice is yours. I will continue to make alliances and you can join in on the good will I have made but I will not allow you to turn my name and good will to mud because you are incapable of taking a back seat. I suggest you deal with the traitor in your midst and allow the parents to speak with their children. I'm sure they are glad to know they are alive. I gave you a list of the people who have died and request I be the one to notify them."

"No. We will notify the parents of the dead kids." He was doing a good job of keeping the seething rage under control. I could hear Kane in the background being hushed by the rest of the council. They were being too quiet for a body of people who just got usurped by a 17-year-old. Perhaps I'm paranoid but I don't think they will take it easy when they get here and I prove my words about dividing us from them. I really hope they don't push me to do that. Splitting families up is not the way I want this to go but I know we don't want to go back to being just another cog in their machine.

"I will let Jake and Abby in first since you are already here. Give us a moment please Clarke." Then the screen went blank. I could see Raven shushing me. I gave her a questioning look and she pushed a button on the radio.

"Mute. They turned off the video and pushed the mute button on their end so they could still see you and hear what you have to say but we couldn't see or hear them. Slick, hoping you will say something they could use against you later. Will you really divide us?"

"If I have to. They have repeatedly made bad decisions and then cover it up with good intentions. I don't want them to come down here and start dictating to us what we will or won't do especially when we are making peace with the grounders. We will need their knowledge of the ground to survive and we could be good allies to each other but I need them to see that. When they get here assuming they don't intent to force my hand can you run some simulations on the nuclear silos that didn't explode. I want to make sure they are still stable and will not cause problems for us down the road. Is that something you can do?"

"Sure. That shouldn't be a problem. The Ark should have the information on which bombs were launched and which ones weren't. I'll get on it as soon as possible. In the mean time we have grenades and pipe bombs, land minds, and gun powder for more bullets. We are making more arrows for the bows and more spears. We should be good for weapons. We also have the dropship as a last resort. I finished the rigging like you asked."

"Thank you Raven." The monitor went live and Raven turned my sound back on.

"Clarke, it's so good to see you sweetheart." My dad said beaming at me.

"Jaha said you were being insubordinate." My mom said.

"No, I'm not. He doesn't like my being in charge."

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