A Game Of Tag Gone Wrong

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The next morning, Nagisa, Honoka and Hikari helped Professor Utonium take Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup to school. Their school was called Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. "This is school! I'm your teacher, Ms. Keane, and this is where kids come to learn! See?" Ms. Keane greeted the three little girls. Inside, seventeen kids were seen chatting happily doing various things from reading books to playing with trucks. A little boy walked up to the new kids. "Hey, you wanna play?" The Professor's daughters looked uncertain for a moment at the boy, then they looked to Ms. Keane for approval. She nodded and the girls' faces lit up with joy. They ran off happily with him but the Professor didn't seem to share their enthusiasm, and he expressed his concerns to Ms. Keane. "Umm, do you think they'll be okay? Cause I'm new at this parenting thing, and I wanted to come and meet you, and see them off on their first day, cause they're really special. I mean really special, and I just want to make sure they'll be okay so, so what do you think? Do you think they'll be okay?" he told her. His daughters have easily acclimated to the group of kids. "I wouldn't worry, Professor. I'm sure they'll have lots of fun" said Nagisa. "That's right. They'll be just fine, Professor. We'll see you at noon!" Ms. Keane pushed the Professor and the teen girls out the door as he looked back nervously at his girls. "Okay, bye girls, bye! Bye! Buh-bye! Bye! Uh bye!" Ms Keane shut the door behind him, then he waved in the window near the door. Nagisa pushed him away as Honoka and Hikari took him by his hands.

Later, it was noon. Professor Utonium knocked on the door and Ms. Keane opened it. "Hello Professor, right on time! Your girls are right outside with the other children." she greeted. The Professor became distraught as he saw the messy classroom. "Well this certainly is a mess" said Nagisa. "What, this?" Ms. Keane scoffed. "This is what happens when you put twenty little kids in one room. Your girls were perfect. Perfect, normal, well-behaved little girls." "Nothing out of the ordinary?" asked Honoka. "No, like what?" Ms. Keane asked back. Outside, the kids were playing on the playground. Buttercup and Blossom watched as Bubbles played hopscotch, throwing a stone to the second square and hopping there. Blossom approved while Buttercup frowned. "That was sweet!" said Blossom, waving her arms up. "What's the point of this game anyway?" Buttercup asked as she crossed her arms. Suddenly, a boy with messy brown hair and freckles, wearing a black T-shirt that read: Mitch Rocks, golden shorts, black sneakers and white socks came up behind a girl and tapped her back. "Tag! You're it!" he said as he ran away from her. The kids all ran away from the girl in a circular pattern, while the Utonium kids stood still, confused. "Whoa! Everyone's running from that girl! It's like she's been infected!" Blossom exclaimed. "Maybe she's a freak." Buttercup added. "Yeah, and they hate her!" Bubbles sounded worried. Suddenly, one of the kindergarten girls came up by Bubbles and tapped her arm. "Tag! You're it!" "Oh no!" Bubbles cried. "I've been infected!" "All right, what's going on here?" Mitch asked as he walked over to the girls. "I've been infected" Bubbles whimpered which caused Mitch to do a face-palm. "You're not in-fec-ted, it's just a game!" Mitch explained. "It is?" Bubbles asked. "Yeah!" Mitch answered. "A game; neat!" Blossom praised. "Yeah, how do we play?" Buttercup asked.

Mitch groaned as he smacked himself on the forehead again. He then walked over toward the girls. "Okay look, it's very simple. Here, Bubbles, tag me." Mitch held out his arm in front of the blonde girl. "Come on, it's okay!" Bubbles reached out her arm slowly and gently tapped Mitch on the arm. "All right, now I'm it." Mitch raised his hand and walked over toward Buttercup. "Now all you gotta do is tag someone else and that's how you play!" Mitch began to run off as he tapped Buttercup. "By the way, you're it." "Awesome, I'm it!" Buttercup shook her arms. "What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?!" "Just tag someone else and they're it!" Mitch called out as he ran close to the other kids. Buttercup felt powerful and grew a determined look on her face as she turned to see her sisters. Blossom and Bubbles started running from Buttercup with giggles and Buttercup chased them as everyone else watched. They all then began to pick up speed which worried the kindergarten teacher, Professor Utonium and everyone else. "I don't like the look of this" Hikari commented. Just then there was a green streak behind Buttercup's feet as she charged for Blossom and Bubbles. "Wow, that's fast!" said Nagisa. There was a flame behind Buttercup as she came closer toward her sisters. She then pushed Bubbles hard on the ground which made the concrete rip. "TAG! You're it!" Buttercup roared as Bubbles was being pushed back and crashed into Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. Bubbles then flew out of the school with a blue streak following her. "I'm gonna tag you guys now!" Bubbles gloated as she neared for the black top to crush Blossom and Buttercup. They zoomed out of the way out of the school gate and Bubbles crashed into the black top. "HAHA! You missed us!" Buttercup taunted. "Not for long" Nagisa nervously said to herself.

Bubbles turned to see Buttercup and Blossom and they all three zoomed and crashed into a house across the street. Trees and bushed crashed as the girls began to tag each other and they were close to the buildings of Townsville. The girls even started fires as cars went through the air from their rough house playing. Even a cow suffered. Professor Utonium, Nagisa, Honoka and Hikari nervously stood behind Ms. Keane, the Girls' teacher and quickly dashed away to the Professor's car into the city as everyone stared at the mess that was going on with the new Kindergarten students. While this went on, in the Mayor's office, he watched the Utonium kids outside with their powers, making messes and wreaking havoc all over Townsville with their game. "Oh boy." The Mayor repeated over and over as he walked in some direction. At that point, the Mayor's secretary, Ms. Bellum walked into the scene, executing a perfect quick pace in killer high heels. She matched the mayor's quick little trot as they went down a large flight of stairs. "Oh boy is right, Mayor. It's terrible, the town is being destroyed by three girls with freakish powers. This is a very serious situation. What action do you propose we take?" she said. As they got downstairs, the Mayor began walking in a different direction. "Uh Mayor, hello! City being destroyed!" Ms. Bellum emphasized during the busy work day. "Where are you going?" "Oh boy!" The Mayor simply said. The Mayor walked into a different room and met up with a man behind a stand. He turned to the Mayor and took out a fresh plump pickle with tongs. "OH BOY!" The Mayor took the pickle and was about to eat peacefully, unaware of the threats outside his office. There was a sudden blast of pink, blue and green streaks that crashed into the Mayor's office. The girls laughed as they were together on the floor and the Mayor was nearly unconscious. "Girls? Girls!" Professor Utonium and the teen girls quickly rushed to his daughters. "Are you okay?!" "TAG!" All three of his daughters chimed and tapped Professor Utonium at his side. "You're it, Professor!" The Girls just laughed at their fun as Townsville Hall was broken in some ways with the employees knocked at the floor, pickles and all. The whole buildings in the city of Townsville were wrecked and looked like they were all in a disaster movie. "What have they done?" Nagisa, Honoka and Hikari said sadly.

Later that night, Professor Utonium took the girls home. As he dealt with his daughters, the teen girls went in the other room to talk. "Man, what a day" Nagisa groaned. "It may take forever to restore the town" Honoka added. "I don't think they'll be using their powers again in public" said Hikari. Just then, the fairies came out of the pouches and changed their forms. "What's gonna happen to the girls-popo?" asked Porun. "Don't know but the people just don't understand how special they are yet" Hikari replied. "Unfortunately, people often get scared or angry when they don't understand something special or unique" said Honoka. "That's just silly-mepo. You girls are Pretty Cure and people understand how special and unique you are-mepo" said Mepple. "Yeah, but Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup are different. They weren't chosen to be legendary warriors like we were" Honoka explained. "Nevertheless, they should give the people of Townsville some time to get to know them" said Nagisa. "But will the people like them after today-lulu?" asked Lulun. "People here are nice. Things will be fine" Hikari smiled. A stack of newspapers hit the street outside. It's the Townsville Tribune. On the top half of the cover is a cut-off picture of Buttercup, with the words "Freaky Bug-Eyed Weirdo Girls Broke Everything" in large bold print, ala New York Times. In the shadows of an alley, the slanty eyes of Jojo were seen reading the paper. "Hmm..." he said before letting out an evil laugh.

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