part two - again

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here we go again. back to set for season 4 of stranger things. which means seeing finn again. we haven't spoke since the whole breakup thing and not going to lie, i kind of missed him. not missed him as my boyfriend but i missed him as my best friend. when we broke up we not only said good bye to our romantic relationship but our friendship as well which sucked because he was a great friend. but i didn't want to see him again. it will be too much for me because i know that i still love him and i probably will never stop. loving him, i mean. i am somewhat worried that going back to set will make me remember last season. not to mention season 4 was the final season of the show but that hadn't been announced to the public yet because the producers they wanted to wait. so there i was, waiting outside the door to the sign in room to set. i walked in. and surprisingly everything was... normal, good. it felt like coming home after a long day of working. it was actually really calm and in that moment i was so glad to be back. i signed in on the sign in sheet right next to my name and then proceeded to go to the big conference room where we were going to do a table read with the scripts for the first episode which we were mailed about two weeks ago. i walk in to the conference room and there were a few producers and other set people i met last season who i said hi to. matt and ross were standing with shawn levy and they were all talking so i went up to all of them with my mom and we said hi. winona, david, and some other adults i had never met.
"y/n!!" winona yelled out to me
"hi!!" i said back to her
we had become pretty close last season because my mom and her were friends and when my mom could not come to set and stay with me winona would act like a second mom to me. i hug winona and david. we chatted a little bit about how tall i've gotten and other things like that. they introduced me to the other people they were standing with who were going to be playing new characters this season. they seemed nice and i talked to them a bit before going and talking to the kids. the only ones that were there were noah, millie, and sadie. i went up to them and we all hugged and just caught up before everybody came so we could begin. once everybody had arrived and i had said hi to mostly everybody including joe, charlie, natalia, and dacre. i was sitting next to gaten and millie in the table read and we began. finn was sitting next to millie on the other side and it was pretty awkward because millie and finn are still friends so they would occasionally laugh and talk and i felt kind of like the odd one out but whenever that happened i would try to ignore it by talking to gaten.

time skip

we finished the table read and the script was so good they said that we begin shooting next week. and then. he came up to me. finn, i mean. he came up to me and started talking but i started to zone out i couldn't bare to hear what he has to say to me...

🚨this was the first chapter i hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote this chapter did you enjoyed it and comment any suggestions of how i could get better. sorry for the short chapter i'll be sure to make them longer next time.

 finn wolfhard x reader : book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz