Sensitive boy

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That was kinda weird tho.I mean Sam was insisting on the fact he wanted to tell us something for days and now he doesnt want us to know anymore.Maybe its because Max wasn't with us.
"What's the point of making us reuniting if its for nothing ?
-I mean,i thought about it and then i dont think its a good idea to tell you guys this shit"

I rolled my eyes.I could have stay with Emma 2 more hours if he didn't make me come for nothing.
We played video games for about a hour and I came back to my appartment at 10PM.On my way,I began thinking 'bout what Sam wanted to say.He acted really weird with the crew of guys theses past few months.That shit seems to be important.At the beginning,I tought he just fallen in love with a new chick but apparently that wasn't that.I remember talked 'bout that with Makonnen.He laughed at me for having this idea
"A girl? I don't think so,I mean I never saw him hooking-up any fucking girl on this planet".
He laughed so hard saying this.Literally all the freaking mall heard it.
-Bro,im serious.When we talked  'bout fucking some bitches from California last week he didn't feel uncomfortable.He was even more implicated in this than you.What about that blond girl from Eliott's party wednesday ?."
I finished this sentence by a wonderful imitation of the eye wink emoji.Sure Apple is shaking.They should engage me as a model.

Anyway,if it's not a girl i don't have a single idea of what that stuff can be.Maybe i can ask him again tonight.He said he was coming at this party Max invited us in.I don't even know whose birthday is this.Crazy how things changed since my music started to work.Before nobody would even know my name or giving a fuck about me.People are bitches.

That make me feel bad seeing Sam being so sad and anxious since few month.He is a good boy,he deserves happiness.He always have been there for me since we met 1 year ago.I already started having somme followers from my songs but that wasn't big as it's now.He is very sensitive,i am too even if sometimes i dont look like it,talking about bitches is cool but at the end of the day,that doesnt make me feel less hurting by life.The fact that we are both very sensitive made us match as friends.The only difference is that he doesnt show it at all.I do,only with some people but i do....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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