Roger wondered why they had been hidden away, but the point was obvious. If he had seen them, it would have blown his cover. The truth would have been out there and Roger would of have a lot more on his plate to deal with. It was painful, he knew, but deep down John was trying to help Roger.

But now, the truth was out there and Roger found no point of having these pictures locked away like they were. Gathering them up, he went around the mansion, trying his best to place them where he thought they might have previously belonged.

One was settled onto of the mantle, just above the fireplace, while others were hung up on the wall. Another he had stuck on the nightstand by his bed and the final piece was hung in the music room, on the far wall facing his drum kit.

Returning up the stairs, he found John gazing at one of the pictures in the sitting room, baffled by how it had gotten there. "I don't know if that was where it belonged, but I thought it looked good."

"You went through my room?" John asked though he didn't sound angry.

"Technically, it's not really your room. Just the place you've been sleeping while I settled with everything inside my head."

"You're still adjusting to the fact that you're in a relationship with a man, do you really think sharing a bed would help you cope?"

"Quite like ripping off the bandaid, isn't it? Hard and fast, better to thrust yourself into it?" Roger asked, hissing at out ridiculous he sounded. He ran his fingers along his collarbone, rubbing the nerves of skin under his fingers. "I was hoping to have a bit of a chat about all this, actually."

John gave a warnful glance, bobbing his head in agreement. "Oh. All right."

"I meant what I said. I don't want to just walk away from this, but it's not like we can just carry on where we left off."

"Right. Of course."

"I was thinking, perhaps we could go on a bit of a date and get to know one another? I know you know me, but aside from the basics, I don't know you that well. I did, I'm sure of it, but I'd like to get to know you again."

Roger was rambling now and he was sure he sounded like an absolute mad man, but he didn't care very much. John was shifting on his feet, his hips popping out in a way that caught Roger's attention without the man even realizing it.

"A date?" He questioned. "We've never gone on a date."

"How is that possible?" Roger asked, his eyes narrowing. "Five years together and I've never taken you out?"

"We didn't exactly start out as romantic, Roger," John explained carefully. "At first, it was just fun. We were messing around, trying to find our place in the world. I was locked away in the closet and you were lonely. Half the time we'd go out in hopes of finding girls only to sneak away and wank one another off in the alleyways behind the pubs."

"Sounds hot, to be honest," Roger admitted with a tiny shrug.

Roses in DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now