2. Meeting Him

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2. Meeting Him


"Miss London, it's already near nine and Robert will be here in half an hour." Cindy's soft voice said into my ear. She pulled back the blankets for me and opened the blinds, illuminating the dim room.

"Oh shit." I cursed under my breath. "Thank you, Cindy. I got it from here." She nodded her head and shuffled out of the room, closing the door gently behind her.

Walking into the unnecessarily large bathroom, I turned the shower on. Peeling off my nightgown and tossing it into the hamper, then stepping into the shower. Nothing like washing away the morning grogginess.

After the fast fifteen minute shower, I was now dressed in a pair of light blue shorts, a cream knit top with a tank top underneath and some sandals. My hair still wet but I had no time since I heard the sound of knocking on the front door.

"I've got it Cindy!" I called out from the top of the stairs and making my way down to the front door.

"Good morning London, I hope this didn't cut into your morning?" I smiled and shook Robert's hand. He always had a smile on his face but it was one of those goofy smiles that usually made small children laugh.

"Nope. I just got up a little late." I stepped aside and I felt my heart skip a beat at who else I saw on the other side of the door. He stood there so tall, that's what stood out the most and then his eyes were dragged up to mine. Those dark hazel - almost brown - orbs staring right into mine. I felt my voice freeze over but I motioned for him to step inside and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Aye Mrs. Dubois." He said so smoothly. His words just rolled off his tongue with that slight hint of a Spanish accent. Oh my sweet baby Jesus.

"H-Hi." I managed to sputter out like some lust filled teenager, well those years aren't that far behind me. I closed the door feverishly just to give me something to take my gaze away from him.

"I'm sorry London, this is my boy who's going to be doing the pool. His Grandfather owns and runs an actual landscaping business so this kid knows a few things." Robert said walking off towards the backyard.

"That's great to hear. I haven't managed to clear out the backyard yet. If you two don't mind me clearing it out while you're scoping the-"

"Not a problem." Robert said so joyfully. I nodded my head and walked over to the lounge chairs. Folding them up and carrying them one at a time inside the house. Just setting them down right by the door.

"We're going to need to drain the pool first and foremost then I was thinking we moved it back and to the right more." I overheard Robert say. This is when I wish Carter was here to hear this so I wouldn't have to explain it over again, but his work calls for him.

"We'll demolish the left most part and level it out, then work from whatever we have left over." He said in that lovely voice, it sent a chill down my spine. I could listen to it all day and I actually noticed just how much I was staring at him. His jeans were sagged and a black wife beater than hugged around his well muscled body. I also took note at how neatly the bottoms of his jeans were folded over his tims so he wouldn't step on the ends.

I gave a quick shake of my head and returned to moving the remaining furniture back inside. He's probably way younger than you, London. Not to mention you're married but I still felt like I was burning all over and it wasn't even hot outside yet.

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass, pouring myself some orange juice. The sweet tangy flavor rolling down my throat and crashing into my empty stomach was refreshing and kept my mind off the topic of him.

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