Chapter 8: Corrosion

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-Monday morning-

-Hunter's Dream-

Hunter Walked through Nerv headquarters.

however as he walked further and further into Nerv headquarters the more of the path disappeared behind him.

He soon came to a door to which he walked through without hesitation.

There in front of him.

we're two people.

One male one female.

One redhead.

One Brunette.

Hunter Watched As Asuka Dominated Shinji, pinning him against walls within the underground room which Hunter had seen at least a month prior.

Then Suddenly Unit 3's hand wrapped Around Hunter lifting him off the ground.

Hunter stared Unit three in the glowing red eyes and Muttered "Man's ultimate Weapon will also be Man's ultimate down fall"

before Unit 3 Popped Hunter's head off with its thumb.

-End of Hunter's Dream-

Hunter was Startled awake just as Asuka let out a high pitched squeal.

Hunter walked out of his room and Quickly noticed that the only one in the house was Shinji who was preparing Breakfast.

"Misato and Asuka are down in the parking lot"

Hunter nodded and said "Thanks Shinji" before walking down to the parking lot.

He walked up behind Asuka wrapping his arms around her and placed his head in the crook of her neck and whispered "Why are you so loud Baby"

"Because I've got a good set of Lungs on me" She said Smugly but quickly said "But baby look, These are your gifts thanks to Kaji and Commander Ikari"

Hunter looked up and in front of him in two separate Parking spaces, Side by side were Vehicles.

More Specifically one was A Blood red Koenigsegg Regera which had a Black stripe down the middle and next to it Was a Crimson red Ninja Kawasaki motorcycle.

"So Hunter" Misato began Awkwardly "I hope you know how to drive"

"Yeah of course I do, Kaji was very insistent on me Learning How to when Him, Asuka and I were living in Germany"

"Here are the keys then" Misato said Handing Hunter a ring with a single key on it as well as a Shield shaped object with a screen.

"So, The first is an extremely expensive car curtasy of Kaji, He Thought Commander Ikari's reward wouldn't be sufficient Enough due to the fact you and Asuka very Rarely go anywhere without one another, The Shield is the key, It comes with paramagnetic Paint allowing you to change its colour with a press of a button on the touch screen, You can start the car from your room and have it ready to go, Kaji even added Subworfers In the Car" Misato sighed and said "I wish I had as nice a car as you do"

"What about the Bike?"

"It's Just a standard Ninja Kawasaki, However Commander Ikari Has upgraded the Engine, That's all he could Afford due to Nerv's budget or lack there of"

Hunter smirked and eyed his new Vehicles "I'm gonna have a good time"

"Yes we are" Asuka said with a smirk.

"So Asuka and i are skipping school" Hunter said as he and Asuka took off to their room.

Hunter quickly Changed into a black pair of Jeans, Blood red Shirt and his Leather jacket over his Plugsuit.

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