UThe Biography of Great APJ Abdul Kalamntitled Part 1

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In the view of the nation's progress, economic prosperity and security, a great talent of the scientific world has played an important role in strengthening the nation, which is of our country.

He is a talent- Missile Man Abul Pakir Jainulabadin Abdul Kalamji {Dr. A PJ Abdul Kalamji}. This nuclear scientist, who has beautified the post of President of India, will be remembered with respect and dignity throughout India for his contribution. This is also an ideal person.

 This is also an ideal person

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Birth Introduction

President Kalamji was born on October 15, 1931 in the small-educated middle class Tamil-Muslim family of Rameswaram (Tamil Nadu). His father's name was Januulabadin and mother's name was Ashimma. From childhood, there was a great effect on parents' attributes and values. Honesty and soul-lovingness from father and mother received a sense of trust and compassion in God. This became the inspiration for the creativity of their life.

He completed his early education in the school of Rameswaram. After this, he came to Ramnathapuram for further studies. Here he took admission in Schwartz High School. His father wanted to make him a collector, but Kalam's interest was in space science. From childhood, they were curious about the secrets of birds flying in the sky.

In his student life he has been very impressed with his teachers. His special attachment to his high school teacher Ayadurai Solomon; Because the prospects, their abilities and power within Solomon's students were not only recognized, but they inspire to keep it extended.

Passing the examination from Schwartz High School, he studied at St Joseph College in Tiruchirapalli (Trichy) for the study of Intermediate in 1950. Here's a lot of students from hostels learned from peers. Professor Shri Iyengar, Suryanarayan Shastri, Professor of Physical Sciences, Prof. Chinnadurai, Prof. Krishnamurthy were the inspiration behind them.

By staying here, he studied a lot of radioactive decay atoms in the field of instability, variability and cosmology. Considering the Earth as the most powerful energetic planet, it is known that there is internal mobility in rocks, metals, timber and smooth soil.

There is enough free space within every solid object. There is a big stir within every fixed object. In the same way our life happens. The electrons around the each nucleus are rotting. The nucleus keeps these electrons together. This is the source of the speed. It is very difficult to compress the atoms.

After attaining B.Sc. in St. Joseph's College, he tried to enroll in the Madras Institute of Technology. There was a need of Rs. 1,000. His sister Zohra raised this amount by placing her necklace and hard mortgage. With hard work and diligence, he now wanted to complete the study expenses by getting a scholarship.

Here the subject of Aeronautical Engineering was very interesting and interesting for them. In the various forms of the aircraft, there were many qualifications about Bai Plane, Mono Plane, Taleless Plane, Delta Wing Plane. In the form of MITT trainees, these Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HKAD) came to Bangalore. Here, along with engine repair, learn practical knowledge. Here, on the principle of "After Burning" (After Burning) and working on the control system.

After flying out from H.A.L.A. to aeronautical engineer, they got involved in giving an interview with the desire to join Air Force. Failure in this examination taught them in life that "should not be disappointed with the failures." After returning to Delhi, he took over the post of Senior Scientific Assistant on the basic salary of Rs. 250.

Achievements and Creation

Playing his active involvement in various scientific projects, Kalam prepared a model of "Howrah Kraft Nandi", which was successful in his flight. Now he has been appointed for the training of the TUFR Computer Center for Indian Space Research. Here, the work of establishing a rocket launch center of Thumba was started. For its technical information, 'NASA' {National Aeronautics and Space Administration} went to America.

On November 21, 1963, after returning from NASA, India's Naik Apkali named Rocket, whose launch was successful. The launch center was established in Thumba with the cooperation of France, America and Russia. Working with Prof. Vikram Sarabhai, he felt the need for indigenous technology for rocket construction and launch facilities. In relation to this, he started large programs and projects.

In order to set up the RS SRLV satellite in the class. Leaving Rohani and Maneka satellites on November 20, 1967, indigenous technical experiment Encouraged by this technique, the then Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi emphasized on indigenous technology for the development and flight system of Indian satellites.

India was now self-reliant in the satellite system. India's increasing step in space science has now begun to work for the country's indigenous missile. In the war of 1962-65, India understood the importance of indigenous missiles in exchange for expensive Russian and German missiles.

In the meantime, after refusing to help France in the SVL IV project, Kalam and his scientific team were disappointed and this disappointment gave birth to the first pilot flight of SVL on indigenous technology in 1974, but due to disturbances From it it fell into the sea.

In the midst of these failures, they continued the efforts left of SLV3. Finally, on July 18, 1980, the SLVV3 flew from the Harikota range and got installed in the Earth's orbit in a 2 minute period. Sara Bharat India jumped with joy After this successful experiment of astronomy, India now came under the category of countries with the potential of satellite launch. The scientific power of the country was included in Prof. Ramanna, Satish Dhawan, Dr. Brahm Prakash etc.

India has now built Earth, Sky, Nag, Trishul, Agni and Brahma missiles. The successful stopover of India's self-reliance in defense sector was the Pokhran nuclear explosion of Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee's Prime Ministerial Year 1998 (May 11,13).

His approach

The approach that Kalamji has about life has been quite liberal. These are the true examples of humanist religion. How a good person is, it tells the life of Kalam. They say, "There are some people in this world that shield themselves to live in harmony with the world, but there are some who are engaged in making the world their own.

All the progress in the world is dependent on other types of people. The wise in this world is the one who knows himself, who knows himself. Failures only pave the way for success. Difficulties challenge us to move forward. "

They believe that every man should stay away from the social inequality and poison of communalism. Individual personality is hidden within each person, they should be searched. God has sent every person to do some creative work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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