The Misaka Says Meow

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The beautiful Magnolia Town. The town was known for it's magnificent beauty. Being a tourist destination for many reasons.. the Rainbow Gateway, the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, it's magic shops and friendly people. However, there was one resident and guild member in particular that the townspeople talked an bragged about quite often to any tourist who would listen.

A Level 5 esper, Dragon Slayer, and not to mention the savior of the entire Multiverse, it wasn't a mystery why they liked to brag about her.

"Plus she's a real fine looking girl any youth would love to have!" an occasional elderly man would say with a wink.

Anyways, this particular resident was currently finding herself awoken in the early hours of the morning by her little 5 year old sister in the bedroom of her friend Lucy Heartfilia.

"Mimmi... Mimmi!" The little girl with bright electric blue eyes nudged her big sister, who was sleeping with her in the same comfortable plush bed, on the shoulder. "Mimmi please wake up!"

"" Mikoto Misaka opened her eyes halfway and sat up, scratching the sleeve of her frog patterned pajamas. "What is it Little L? Did Natsu sneak in again?"

Little Lucy Misaka shook her head.  "There are weird monsters in the closet.. I'm scared."

Mikoto put an arm around Little Lucy. "It's okay.. trust me, there are no monsters in the probably saw a sweater or something.."

Little Lucy shook her head. "One of the monsters closed the door when I looked! Mimmi! Please, they look weird!"

"Eh? What's wrong?" Lucy Heartfilia sat up from her bed which was by the window, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "It's like... four in the morning.."

"Little L saw something in the closet.." Mikoto said with a yawn as she stretched and got out of bed, careful not to wake the little pink cat in pajamas who was sleeping snugly under the covers. "Probably just a sweater or something.."

"Kay.." Lucy said. "Well, I'm awake now.. so I guess I'll just get an early breakfast and.. erm... do something.."

As Lucy dragged her feet downstairs, Mikoto walked over to the closet. "Okey doke...."

Mikoto opened the closet door. Stuffed and cramped in the closet were two hollows and a little girl. One hollow was large with a strange tiki-like mask, another was skinny with a insect-like mask. The little girl was wearing rags with a broken hollow mask on her head.

Mikoto blinked for a minute, her eyes still half closed as her sleep deprived brain tried to process the information.. then..


"Hiiii~ Sexy Demon!" Said Nel with a little wave.

"It's great to see ya again, Dontchaknow?" said Dondochaka.

"Yes, don't worry yourself Sexy Demon!" said Pesche with a salute. "This closet is free of any assasins thanks to our amazing scouting skills!"

"Y-you.. wh-what the heck are you doing here!?" Mikoto exclaimed.

"We heard from eavesdropping on our good friend Ichigo that a lot of freaks have been after you lately!" said Pesche. "So we have taken upon ourselves to gaurd you from all evil forces as Sexy Demon Body Guards!! So we will continue to hide in plain sight... watching you... every day..."

"Every hour." said Dondochaka.

"Every second." said Nel.

"See? Even Bawabawa is helping with our extremely invasive method of protection!" said Pesche pointing at the window.

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The Soul Slayer Chronicles: Book 4, GodsWhere stories live. Discover now