~~ Chapter 1 ~~

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Niall's POV

OMG, I love him so much, why doesn't he see me? But I don't think that  we're ever going to be a couple, because he has a girlfriend, Danielle Peazer, and I know he loves her. But we're best mates, and I'm glad with that, too.

'Hey Liam, Vas Happening?' Says Zayn, when he comes into our apartment. Liam and I share one, Harry and Louis share one too, and Zayn has a apartment alone.

'Not much, just chilling here with Nialler, right?' asks Liam.

When he calls my name, I'm just so happy. I don't know what it is, but I just get a feeling. A great feeling. Just the same, as when I'm alone with him. I'm a lot day dreaming lately, but I hope that he doesn't see it.

Ow, to late!

'Hey Niall, are you alright? You're so much in mind lately.' Liam asks with a worried voice. Aww, he's so sweet.

'Hmm? Oh, no, I mean yeah, I mean......What did you say?' I say, and I feel my cheeks get hotter. I don't wanna show it, so I walk to the kitchen to grab some food.

'I said, are you alright? You're so much in mind lately. And why are you always walking away, when I'm talking to you? I thought we we're best friends, but I guess you think diffrent about that.' He says, almost crying.

'Liam, where are you talking about? Of cours we are best friends, and I don't wanna change that. Why did you think I would?' I asked him, walking closer to him.

'I don't know, I just thought that, because, always if we're together your acting so weird. And when your with Lou and Haz, you're just so happy, and stuff like that. I just thought that something was wrong. But I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry Niall.' Liam says, and he gives me a giant hug. 'You know I love you right?'

'Of cours I know that. I love you too.' You have no idea how much I love you.


Liam's POV

OMG, I love him so much. Why doesn't he see me? But I don't think that we're ever going to be a couple, cause he is straight, and I have a girlfriend, Danielle. And I really love her, but I also love Niall so bad. I just can't help it. We are best mates, but sometimes, I just wish it was something more.

'You know I love you, right?' I say to him.

'Of cours I know that, I love you too.' He said to me.

Oh man, you have no idea how much I love you. I pulled away from the hug, and looked into his beautiful eyes. I totally lost in them.  I slowly leaned in, and my lips almost touched his, until Harry rushed in. As fast as I could, I leaned back, and rushed embarrased to my room. I lied myself on the bed. What was I thinking?! What will he think about me now? I just can't believe it! But then I heard a knock on the door.

'Liam, are you in there? Can I please come in?' Niall asked me.

'No, just....just go away, and leave me in hear!' I screamed at him. After that, I burst out in tears.

'Li, are you crying?' Niall said, and came rushing into my room.

He sat down on the bed, next to where I was lying. He sat me on his lap, and hugged me really tight. I liked it, I actually LOVED it. We sat there, until my crying was almost over. It was about 45 minutes, but I don't care.

'Now tell me. Why were you crying? Did I do something wrong? Cause I would never forgive myself for hurting you so bad, Liam. ' He said, almost vrying by himself.

'Aww, Niall, are you crying?' I asked, and looked him right in th eye.

'No, there's just a fly, in my eye.' He said, but then he started laughing again, which I'm glad with.

'Sooo, now tell me. Why we're you crying, Li? Did I do something wrong?' He said to me.

'No, you didn't do anything wrong. You never do, that's why you're so perfect.' I said, and put my hand over my mouth. Did I just say  that? I guess he's scared of me now.

'What did you say? I'm perfect?' He said, unbelieveble.

'I....erm.....I......didn't say that! I didn't, cause what I said was, that you we're.....' And any further I didn't came, because Niall's lips were crashed on mine. OMG HE KISSED ME!! NIALL HORAN KISSED ME!!

'Erm.....I'm sorry, I guess I should go now.' He said, and he run out of my room.


Do you like it so far? I hope so!!!

Next chapter is on, tonight, or tomorrow!!

Xxxx Emma! <3<3

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