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"Where are the others?" Charles asked Havoc.
"Safe at the school," Havoc answered ripping open his shirt. "We're not bringing them here. Between your mind control, Quicksilver's fast pace, Peter's spider abilities, Sarah's full power and my power, we can fight this."
  Sarah shook her head, "I can't- Charles, I can't. I'm not strong enough."
  Charles stared at her with his piercing blue eyes but didn't smile. "Sarah, there was once a time in my life when I didn't have faith in even my own abilities. I shut them out, used drugs to shut it all out. Then I got advice from someone I look up to the most. They said that I have to have hope in my abilities, not fight them. I believe you can do that too. You just need to do what I've been telling you. Let go. Just let go."
  Sarah held tears in her eyes and Charles gave her the pep talk. He grasped her hand while nodding, assuring her that everything was going to be alright. "You can do this."
  Sarah nodded back. "Alright, Havoc you go with Charles. Quick, you go check out what weapons they have and try and calm down these people. Peter, you're coming with me."
  They split up to they're assigned places.
  Peter and Sarah ran opposite the crowd down a dark alley. "This brings back memories," Peter smirked.
  Sarah laughed. "Yeah. Also, the reason why Quicksilver is my brother is because two years before my dad brought me here, my mom, in the present day, had a son with Magneto—yes, Magneto—and now Quicksilver, or Peter is his real name, is my half-brother."
  Peter showed an expression of understanding. "Well it's good to see you again, Sarah. I don't think you know how much I missed you."
  Sarah did know because of his lost expression that he held when she saw him again at the fair before the Kree arrived. Peter took off his mask in that moment. Again, Sarah pulled him into the most passionate kiss yet.
  Peter moaned with ease into her, caressing her cheek to express his love. Their tongues met with joy. Peter placed one hand on her back and ran the other through her orange-blonde hair. Sarah ran her hand through his dirty blonde hair and caressed his arm with her other.
  With interest, Peter trailed his tongue down her neck, causing Sarah to moan more. He removed his hand from her hair to lightly brush it against her breasts. He moaned once Sarah moaned.
  "Peter, we-we have to g-go and fight—oh my—" Sarah tried telling him before he rubbed his hands gently around her waist.
  He then pulled away from her, causing Sarah to whimper. "We'll finish this later, I promise," he said winking and putting his mask back on.
  Sarah nodded, shaking her head to get out of the intense previous moment.
  Fire ignited on her hands and all around her body, leaving her with an orange glow. Her eyes glowed orange, warning her enemies to beware. Let go, Charles voice took over her head.
  Smiling, she gave Peter a thumbs up and he swung away. Sarah ran down the alley, allowing the fire to consume her.
The leader of the Kree, with short brown hair and glowing yellow eyes in his green suit, stepped into the end of the alley. The gun in his hand was pointed straight at Sarah as an attempt to threaten her.
"What do you want with me?!" Two fireballs grew massive around Sarah's hands.
"It's not what we want with you," the leader spoke. "It's to put an end to you. The Avengers ruined my life and my civilization, leaving only me and the rest of my crew to survive."
"That's because your civilization is a group of psycho maniacs who enjoy killing! You prosper on it! Trust me, I know!" Her eyes couldn't of glowed more orange.
"Darling, you have no idea what goes on in this world. You don't belong here. You're dangerous with your powers and there is no way you can defeat me. You're too scared, Sarah."
Anger began to take over Sarah's body.
"Give up! Right now and we can end this, peacefully!" the leader shouted.
The fire forming around Sarah began to lift her up in the air, causing the ground to shake a little. Let go, Sarah! Charles spoke.
"Give up! It's what your dead father would've wanted!"
Sarah was fuming. Let go, no fear! Let go!
The fire surrounding Sarah blasted into the air in the shape of a Phoenix. All surrounding objects were blown away by the fire. The leader's jaw dropped at the sudden growth of power. He ran as the fire chased after him, consuming him. The Phoenix shape disappeared into Sarah after the damage was done.
  Charles, who had sensed that her full power was used, chuckled to himself. Sarah Rogers was officially the Phoenix.
  She ran out of the alley to help fight with the rest of the gang.
Sarah, go help Havoc, Charles spoke to Sarah again. He needs you. Good job, by the way.
She smiled to herself before running to Havoc.

Forty five minutes later, almost all of the Kree population was dead. Three were left standing in the street facing opposite Charles, Havoc, Peter, Quicksilver, Sarah and the rest of the X-Men had joined along with the remaining new Avengers.
"What do you want?" Quicksilver shouted.
"To see an empire fall," Yon-Rogg yelled.
"Yours already did, buddy!" Sam commented, carrying Cap's shield.
Yon-Rogg smirked. "Oh, but the war has only begun! There will be more! There's always more! You'll all be fighting until the day you die!"
Charles was attempting to get inside Yon-Rogg's head but kept getting blocked. Instead, he sent a message to his teams.
Use full force on them! Now!
Everyone charged towards the three Kree. With all powers combined, the three Kree exploded in a second. The people on the streets surrounding them all clapped at the fact that the Avengers and X-Men had destroyed a population of evil.

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