sakura megumi

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Name: megumi sakura
Age : 19
Relative: mother (sakura mitsuha)
Father (kisaki subaru)
Step mother(kisaki ami)
Step sister (kisaki izumi)
Step brother (kisaki masaru)

Occupation : university student(1st year)

Dream : be a pattisiere
Open a cafe
See her mother again

Hate(s) : gangler,cockroach, her father

Favourite colour : purple.

Like(s) : sweets, watching movies, gardening,helping others,baking, reading manga

Story : Before finding out her mother's death, Megumi has a bright personality. She is cheerful,patient and very optimistic. She trusts the global police when her mother disappear knowing that they can save her. She keep putting smile on her face making people wonder about her true feelings.

After returning to the past, Megumi is different. She did not smile anymore, looks gloomy and started to excluding herself from people. This is to make sure that no one knows her activities to spy on the lupinrangers and patrangers. The less people involve,the less people will get hurt. She started to be more active at her personal workout as she know that there is no way she can defeat the gangler. And yes, she did not have any lupin collection to help her.

Her mission now to save her mother from being killed. So she need to find zamigo and defeat him before he killed her.

Also she need to avoid her father as much as possible since he want her to help out at his company. Megumi has no desire to join a video game company.

In this story, Megumi already know the lupinranger's identities. Well, they revealed themselves in the future. Of course she know.

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