Unlikely occurece

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Team avatar lands in an earth village and they get off to search for supplies. At the same time Prince Zuko and his uncle get off the ship along with most of the crew to also gather supplies. Zuko spots kaito's swords and his eyes narrow. What? Prince Zuko? Zuko runs over to the water tribe boy and he pushes him against the wall pure rage in his eyes. Hey! Where did you get those?! Sokka puts up his hands. Put me down and maybe  I'll tell you. He carefully sets him down and he says a girl we met he says her name is Kaito Zukos eyes widen and he turns to his uncle who had caught up and he whispers she's alive. The man's eyes widen. You're kaito's cousin?! Katara shrieks. Zuko itches the back of his head. Then he crosses his arms and says you've met Kaito? Where? A days ride from here Sokka says he sheathes the swords and crosses his arms. She was uh captured by this guy named Jet. He's cruel Sokka says to anyone fire nation. What did he do to her? Broke a few of her ribs and binded her with copper wrists and ankles for two days Sokka says. Zuko's eyes widen. And she's still alive? Yes. Katara says she had a fever and I did what I could for her. And then something weird happened and she seemed stronger. Zuko nods. She's ...she's special like her mom. He puts a hand through his hair. He doesn't look at them when he says don't go too far into the village with the - aang he says there are fire nation soldiers here. Now go before one of my men spot you. I owe you a debt for telling me that Kaito is alive. But- Sokka looks at him and says it doesn't have to be like this. It does Zuko says I don't have a choice he whispers and only Aang hears him. Come uncle let's see what tea they have...

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