The Adventures Of Evelyn

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Narrator:In 2013 on May 3rd Jun Kim and Naomi Kim had beautiful mixture of a Korena & Mexican baby named Evelyn..Evelyn was 7 pounds and 13 ounces she had brown curls and brown freckles and had 10 siblings she was youngest,she's always been a trouble child since she was born she would wear her mothers make up and terrorize her 10 siblings.When Evelyn was 4 year old she started preschool at Western preschool she met kids but one kid In particular stood out to her so she went and started making a small conversation with him and found out his name was Jacob he was 4 year old and then they became best friends ever since preschool. Jacob and Evelyn started Elementary when they
were 5 years old they sat at this table with two girls one named Emma and other Taylor.Emma And Taylor joined Jacob and Evelyn group and got really close with them.When Taylor was 8 years old she started developing a crush on Jacob and seen how close Jacob and Evelyn was so she went to go talk to Evelyn about her crush on Jacob and Taylor asked if Evelyn  liked him because Evelyn and Taylor were really close.Evelyn said no she didn't like him like that at all only as a friend.When Evelyn and Taylor were 10 years old they got assigned seat and Taylor had to sit with Emma & Jacob and Evelyn,Taylor didn't like that so ever since then she been really jealous of Evelyn.One day Taylor walked into class and saw Evelyn and Jacob laughing so she wanted to be included so she walked over to them and heard them laughing about being together so she walked away and sat with Emma and told her about everything so Taylor stood up in class and said "What even are you? , how are you Korean with curls it's not even cute and you smell like rice everytime come into the school" Evelyn ran into the bathroom and started crying  when this mean girl name Sharonay came in and started asking her questions like "Why are you that skin tone" , "How are you Korean?" , "You ugly fat whore".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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