2: Enemies in High Places

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Sebastian stood in Potter's kitchen as Harry, Ron, and Hermione discussed his report. Tessa was sitting to Harry's right with a shy expression as she enjoyed a biscuit with raspberry jam. Harry cleared his throat before giving his report.
"We are getting reports from Eastern Europe of some dark wizard activity, but no concrete evidence. Some missing half-bloods, dead pure-bloods, but nothing like what Pierre suggest."
"Maybe the French Ministry Of Magic is getting paranoid. Or they have a few slip ups and need someone or something to blame. Fudge was like that remember." Rob suggested. It wasn't too far fetched of an idea. It was a common practice to hide secrets using fear, it prevented anyone from asking questions.
"Not on this big of a scale my love," Hermione chimed, looking over Sebastian's report once more. He watched her as she scanned through the details. She smiled slightly, looking up at him.
"Gracie is protecting the president?"
"Head of Law enforcement after I was cleared," he added. Hermione set the papers down. With a slight flick of her wand they were neatly folded into the envelope they arrived in.
"Pierre isn't the only one seeing dead Aurors," Hermione began as the trio finished breakfast. "We all are we just don't want to admit it,"
"It's in the job description though," Ron added through a mouthful of biscuit. How the man managed to fit some much food in his mouth Sebastian would never know.

"What she's saying Ron is that it almost seems coordinated," Harry interjected while adjusting his glasses. Sebastian looked to Tessa, nodding his head. Tessa reaches into her coat pocket to set down a small piece of broken wood on the center of the table. The trio looked at it curiously.
"Is..is that a wand?" Hermione said baffled
"Keep watching, this is the interesting part." Tessa added as she drew her wand. It was a nine inch ebony wood wand, narrow base, rings around it, with a thunderbird feather at its core. She turned it in her hand. Shouting the ''Revelio' spell. The chunk of broken wood began to twist and coil as it were alive. The wood transforming entirely until it revealed a carving that had been deep beneath its surface; a line within an upside down triangle.

"How strange, bizarre actually. It's like the deathly hallows. Perhaps a copy cat trying to make a statement?" Potter suggested.
" I thought of that too, but this is different, Pat attention," Sebastian focused on the symbol. "A line within reverse triangle. No circle, just this. Personally I think it's a sword and shield."
"So then it's a sign of protection," Ron added. "I can see that, but those two together mean to attack and defend,"
"But who are they defending?" Tessa asked, fierce look in her eyes. "I found this three weeks ago in Manhattan just outside the capital, then five times more. Gracie said she's seen it as well."
"So then, do you think," before Hermione finished speaking the door opened. Ginny and the children rushed into the house with bright eyes and kind smiles. It was headline news that Ginny had returned to the Hollyhead Harpies as captain. Quidditch fans everywhere were in an uproar of joy as she was one of Europe's best players by far. Ginny rushed to Harry's side, but was caught off guard when she saw Sebastian there.
"Sebastian! Wow I haven't seen you since last year,"
"It's nice to see you too Ginny. I've been following your return to Quidditch in the papers,"
"Actually," Harry said with a bit of cheer in his voice. He looked at Ginny then to his son Albus who was standing there in confusion holding his bags of school supplies for the upcoming term.
"Well we are all going to the World Cup tomorrow. The kids cheer with excitement. Ron looks at his wife, suspecting she had something to do with this.
"That's why you reserved those extra box seats,"
"Don't know what you're talking about Ronald." She giggled. The two of them shared a kiss as their daughter popped up next to them.

"That's right you two never met. Rose, this is our friend Sebastian Gerard, he's from MACUSA. He's the one who saved mom last year with your uncle and I." Sebastian held out his hand to the ginger haired girl. Her hair was short, stopping at her neck, and her brown eyes matched her mother's perfectly. She was wearing jeans and a red sweater with the letter 'R' sowed into it with with yellow thread.
"Hello sir, it's a pleasure to meet you." She says with a smile as she shakes Sebastian's hand. He gestured to Tessa.
"This is my partner Tessa Finnik, it's her first time here." Tessa blushed a bit before shaking the girl's hand. Rose Weasley was polite and sweet, just like her mother. The kids rushed upstairs to pack their things for the World Cup. Hermione looked at her American allies, and friends.
"Why don't you two join us? It would be rude to not include you,"
"We don't want to impose. It's a family,"
"Really Sebastian? You're acting like you don't want to go, of course you do! You're only pretending because you root for the home team!" Tessa cheered.
He looked at her snickering with a mischievous grin on his face. Between the both of them it was actually Tessa with the Quidditch mania. She couldn't get enough of it. With that being said the two of them stayed the night at the Potter house and would join them at the World Cup.

They arrived at the World Cup stadium to a sea of tents lining the outside of the stadium. Harry nudged Sebastian and Tessa telling them of the magical enchantments on the tents. Sebastian couldn't deny that he was just as excited as the kids were. He'd never been to a Quidditch match in person. Going to the World Cup was a big deal. Before they could step into the stadium however, an Auror pulled Harry, Ron, and Hermione aside sounding a bit anxious. Ron stood close to Hermione, whispering softly. Something had happened. The mood suddenly went from cheerful to tense. Sebastian tucked a hanging strand of his now fuller hair back as he looked to Tessa who met his eyes with an intense gaze.
"You know what to do," he said sternly. She nodded her head and vanished. Sebastian stepped in holding up his Auror badge for the security member to see. The Scottish Auror seemed confused for a brief moment.
"A MACUSA man here? Nice to know we've got some international aid. Maybe you can help us out?"
" I can," Sebastian began, "I have a partner who will be back any second." As he finished speaking Tessa returned to his side in her blouse, jacket and jeans.
"Bloody hell! Is she,"
"Don't worry this animagus Auror is registered with MACUSA." Tessa winked at the man before informing Sebastian of everything she saw from above.
"It's here, same mark. You'll never guess where."
Sebastian nodded his head as he understood her. He patted the young Auror on the back with encouragement as he pulled Harry and the others to the side. He let Tessa inform them of the sightings.
"The same mark I showed you is in the stadium," the three of them were surprised, but hid behind intense eyes.
"How were you,"
"I'm an animagus, falcon actually," Tessa confessed proudly. Becoming an animagus wasn't an easy feat. Only the most powerful and dedicated witch or wizard dedicated themselves to it. It was one of the several things that made Tessa such a perfect candidate for Sebastian's partner.
"What did you find?" Harry asked.
"The same mark I showed you is inside the stadium?"
"Where?" Harry's voice was urgent.
"Inside the minister's box."

They all seemed shocked. Ron looked to Harry who was having trouble keeping his nerve. He squeezed Hermione's hand tightly.
"I hand picked the security myself Harry, you know that. How the bloody hell can they get that close? Thank Merlin we weren't here or,"
"Don't think that way Ron, it won't do any good." Hermione kissed his cheek assuring her husband. Harry looked to her. She was minister which meant she had command here.
"Whoever is behind this can get close enough to me. They have a position of power. Harry get an extra group of Aurors on duty, two dozen."
"But Hermione the tournament" Ron pleaded. Sebastian couldn't blame him for being protective and concerned for her safety.
"Ronald the World Cup will continue as planned. Canceling it would be a disaster, I can't afford that." Spoken like a great leader, Sebastian thought.
"Well madam mister what would you like us to do? Sebastian and I are visitors here, but we are willing to help however we can." Tessa took the words Sebastian was going to say from his mouth.

Hermione looked from her to Sebastian as she stood there in thought. "I would like the both of you to stay with me in the Minister's box. I can use the added protection." Both Sebastian and Tessa nodded their heads in unison. A night of games and fellowship was now a mission with the lives of friends at risk.

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