chapter 5

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When Harry falls to sleep, ferret Draco quickly grabs a piece of parchment and quill. He sits in the corner of the room with the parchment. He, as best as he can with ferret hands, writes a letter to his parents. He then gives it to hedwig who knows where to take it. Hedwig flies off with the letter. Ferret Draco curls up around Harry's glasses

~meanwhile at malfoy manner~
Narcissa and Lucius were sat in the family room. Narcissa was cuddling into Lucius side because she was scared about Draco. They had just told  a house elf to send food by owl to Harry and Draco. Narcissa was wondering why they need to send food. Didn't Harry get spoilt?   Couldn't he afford to give some food to Draco? Or is he to self centered to give up his own food? Lucius puts his arms around Narcissa to calm her down. Narcissa sighs.
Lucius: cissa. He will be alright ok?
Narcissa: I'm just worried and scared. What if something happens to him?
Lucius: nothing will happen to Draco. He will be fine.
Narcissa: but what did Harry mean by if his uncle sees Draco, Draco won't be coming home?
Lucius: I don't know.
Just then hedwig flies in and drops a letter infront of them then sits on the winder ledge.
Lucius: isn't that potter's bird?
Narcissa: yes it is. What if something's happened?
Lucius quickly picks up the Letter and reads it out loud.
'dear mother and father, sorry if my handwriting is horrible but I'm trying to write as a ferret. Anyway I need your help. Uncle Severus was wrong. Harry isn't spoilt. He's the opersite of it. He's being abused. please come rescue him. He's bleeding. They wiped him with a blet and he's not allowed to eat. And he is treated worse than a house elf. Please come get us. Please. And quick. Bring uncle Severus and his potions
From draco.'
Lucius drops the letter and narcissa starts crying. Lucius quickly flue calls Severus and tells him everything. They then appeate to no. 4 Privet drive.

What will happen next? Will Harry be ok? How will everyone react at the sight of Harry? What will the malfoys do? Read on to find out

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