Surprise Surprise

Start from the beginning

"How the hell did a baby come in here?" Tony asked, looking around. "Didn't you say this is the most secure place in New York?"

"Against evil entities, yes." Stephen said.

"Oh." Tony said. "Why'd they leave it here? Does this place look like an orphanage? No. It's a..." Tony went on, rambling on about who knows what.

Stephen crouched down toward the baby.

It was so small, so defenseless.

He reached out to touch it.

The baby reached for him.

He quickly pulled away.

The baby looked up at him, sadness reflecting off its eyes.

Soon, cries began to make their way out of the baby's mouth.

"What did you do?" Tony asked.

"Nothing. I-I just..."

"Come here." Tony said, bending down and picking up the child, rocking it gently.

"What are you doing?" Stephen asked.

"I don't know. I've never raised a child, bit I've seen this in the movies." Tony said. "I don't know what I'm suppose to do. How am I-"

An idea popped in his head.

"Wait, I have to make a home call. Here." He handed Stephen the baby.

"No wait-" Stephen has no choice, but to take the baby.

"I'll be back in a minute." Tony said, walking out of the room.

The baby looked up at Stephen.

"Oh no." Stephen muttered.

Those large, adorable baby eyes stared right through him and into his soul.

Stephen didn't look away, tears forming in his eyes. "Oh god, no." He sobbed.

This small child reminded him of the best friend he lost a few months ago.

Captain, his closet friend who was there for him during his hardest times.

He looked at the baby.

The baby reached out to him, touching his nose.

Stephen smiled with teary eyes.

Maybe this was a sign.

He wanted kids, but never knew when would be a good time due to the what Tony had said.

Maybe this was the right time. This moment right now.

"Alright. Good news." Tony said. "I've got some who's great with-"

"No." Stephen said, holding the baby close. "He's mine now."

"Stephen we can't afford a child right now." Tony said. "We attract too much attention, and not just from citizens." He said.

Stephen looked at him. "But Tony, what if this is a sign? What if the universe is trying to tell us something?" Stephen asked.

"Honey." Tony said. "I know how bad you want this. How bad you want to start our own family, I do too; but now really isn't the time."

"But Tony-"

"Stephen, were putting his life in danger just by looking at him." Tony said.

Stephen looked down at the baby, already falling asleep in his arms. He sighed. "I suppose you're right."

"Now come. I want you to meet someone." Tony said.


"I want to name him before he goes." Stephen said suddenly.

His fists gripped tightly, trying their best to not tremble, and his head hanging low.

"Well Stephen I don't know if May wants t-"

"No, let him." May smiled at Stephen. "What name do you want to give him?"

"Peter. I like Peter." He said.

"Peter. Peter Parker." May smiled. "I like it." She smiled at the sleeping baby.

There was silence.

"Well, would you look at the time? It's getting really late, and little Peter shouldn't be out this late." Tony said, breaking the intense silence. "May, you best get home." He said walking her to the door, and gesturing a look toward a saddened Stephen.

"Oh yes, Peter must get sleep." She said, letting Tony guide her to her car.

Not long, Peter was safely straddled in a baby seat in the backseat of May's car.

Stephen watched from one of the many windows of the Sanctum.

Tony said his goodbyes and hugged May.

May noticed Stephen glancing out the window.

"Don't worry Stephen. I will take good care of him. I will protect him. I promise." She waved and got in the car, driving away soon.

Rain began to pour, and water droplets slid down the window Stephen was glaring out of.

His eyes had small pools of tears, Tony placed a hand on Stephen's back and gently rubbed circles upon it.

"I have attachment issues." Stephen let out.

Tony smiled. "I know Wizard." He kissed Stephen's shoulder.

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