Chapter 6

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(As per the Songstress, no gameplay directed commentary will be added, such as notes on Zing gauges or skills or anything like that, it makes no sense in a book, so if it seems like we're missing information, that is why.)

They wandered through the sewers for what felt like hours. Monsters attacked them left and right, but the three eldest kept them at bay with their skill.  Though they were safe from the soldiers, there wasn't any guaranteed safety down here either. But they all had the confidence that they would soon reach the exit and be free from their dread

That was until they reached the bridge that would lead them to safety. 

"Nella! The bridge!" Evan exclaimed, Camille running over to check out the damage.

"Hm?" Aranella was confused and worried. "But how could this have happened?"

"Looks deliberate to me." Roland told her, and Camilla nodded, getting to her feet and running back over, looking around at the exits, one way up stairs straight into a waterfall, and the other the way they just came from.

"This definitely wasn't an accident." She told them, pulling her sword out again and blocking Evan and Gascon off. "Which means they knew we'd come this way..."

"Hm hm hm..." Came dark laughter. A dark, familiar, laughter.

They all turned, and saw Mausinger coming up to them with his Black Knight, two guards, and his adviser.

"There you are, Your Majesty." He greeted as they walked closer, Camilla and Aranella guarding the two young princes. "Much as it pains me, I'm afraid I must ask you to relinquish your life."

"Mausinger!" Evan exclaimed. He still couldn't believe that Mausinger would do this!

"It is terribly unfortunate, I concede, but your illustrious line ends here. Today." The Black Knight grunted behind him, and walked towards them, Aranella pulling out her dagger, and Roland getting out his new sword, Camilla preparing herself.

"Gascon, whatever happens, stay behind me, and protect yourself and Evan." She whispered to her cousin, who nodded at her.

"I will." he promised, pulling out his staff for the first time that day. He knew that if there was any chance he'd need it, now was that chance.

"There is no where to run." Mausinger continued as Aranella blocked the boys with her arm, Roland preparing to fight as well. No one was getting to Evan under their watch. "Come quietly, and you shall not suffer long. 

"Nella." She looked to Camilla, who nodded at her, and Aranella turned to Evan, Roland, and Gascon. 

"We'll hold them off for as long as we can!" She explained quickly. "Get out of here! Go! Now!"

"But Nella-" Evan tried to talk, scared for her.

"Camilla!" Gascon gasped. They weren't about to fight him by themselves, were they?

"Just go." Aranella insisted. "You are the kingdom's last hope, Evan. You cannot die here." 

"Go now! All of you!" Camilla shouted, claws growing from her hands and fur starting to appear on her body. Roland suddenly grabbed onto Evan and Gascon with one arm on each boy, then dove off the edge of the broken bridge. 

"Nella!" Evan's tears streamed behind them as they dove into the cold water below.


They swam to shore in a new part of the cave, outside of the Ding Dong Well, panting and shaking from the cold water.

"We made it.... Just..." But Evan wasn't satisfied.

"N-Nella! We have to go back! We can still-"

"Evan, pull it together!" Gascon grabbed his shoulders and shook him wildly. "She's got Camilla with her! She'll be fine. Those two are an amazing team, we both know that!" Even Gascon wasn't sure this time though.

"Calm down, both of you." Roland told them sternly. "If we go back, we'll be captured for sure. And they'll have given their lives for nothing." Both boys looked to him in shock.

"Given her...? You mean she's..."

"You're lying!" Gascon shouted, his small hands in fists, stomping his feet. " Camilla and Nella are the strongest team in all of Ni No Kuni! They can't die!"

"That's what we're going to have to assume for now." Roland tried to speak reasonably to the small boy, but he wasn't having it.

"No! I refuse! Those two are going to meet us once we get out! I just know it!"

"And where are we going to meet them anyways, hm?" Roland asked, crossing his arms. "Gascon, they're up against the Black Knight. I don't see any hope!" 

"Camilla said we'd get back to Hamelin together!" Gascon insisted. "She wouldn't throw that promise away for anything! Camilla never breaks her promises!" Roland sighed and waved him away.

"Whatever. We just have to keep moving." Gascon grunted, but ran ahead into the corridor. Camilla and Aranella were going to be okay! He just knew it! Maybe his Songster powers didn't work yet, but he knew they'd be okay!

They hurried through the corridors, only to be stopped by a wall of black and purple fire, blocking their path!

"What in the-" They turned, and saw the Black Knight walking towards them, sword drawn, ready for battle.

"I have you now..." he said in a low, gravelly tone, speaking for the first time.

"Watch your back!" Roland called, diving into battle with the Black Knight as Evan tried to stay out of the way, Gascon shakily getting out his staff. No more being afraid! He was going to make Camilla proud!

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