Choice 2A

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You decided to go outdoors to let loose. Once you got there you started [insert type of dance you're doing] in front of everyone and people started to chant your name. Hundreds of monster has now arrived to see you bust down your moves. You became a very fun person from your moves.

After dancing around you spotted Vicky and Amira chatting to each other about something. You decided to see what's up and hear Amira states this-

"Okay Okay, but If you ever had 50 pieces of chicken nuggets what would you do to them in the next 10 minuets." Amira says snickering.

"I would obviously stuff them in my underwear, to keep them moist and protected!" Vicky speaks with a confident answer.

"Dude, that's so lame and weird. Choose another answer!" Amira gushes out playfully punching Vicky shoulder. Vicky yelps up when the strong force contacted her arm.

"I have no other answers, that was the only idea that I can think of." Vicky responded rubbing her sore shoulder. It looks like she need a little help so you decided to speak for Vicky.

" Give each chicken nugget a name and sell them off on e-bay for adoption" you said helping Vicky out. Vicky smiled at you hitting her head with her right palm.

"Gaaa, that sounds sooo awesome and way more sick, I wish I could have come up with that!" She continued hitting her head until Amira took a grasp on her wrist.

"Ehh, it could have involved a little bit of arson." Amira put two hands behind her head feeling a little disappointed with no arson involved.

The conversation ended and ever monster was about to get ready too leave. Hanging out with Vicky and Amira made you feel a little bit more creative then usually...and the urge to eat chicken nuggets (Unless you are vegan/vegetarian or you eat other specific things).


It's lunch time and you decided to sit at the right front table where Vicky and Brain are sitting. You walk (or other ways how you want to get there ex. flying, slithering, moonwalking etc,) to the table and sat on the right side of Vicky. Vicky smiles at you once you sat at the table and greets you.

"Hey, [Your Name]! Me and Brain are talking about what would everyone spirit animal would be!" Vicky waves her fist up and down excited.

"Vicky thinks Amira would be a soft bunny which I think the opposite" Brain says taking a bite out of his brain-bit salad.

"A soft vicious bunny" Vicky corrected him.

"If she had a spirit animal it would most definitely be an alpha Tiger" 

Vicky shake her head and starts  to speak again "A soft vicious alpha bunny that can throw up  people unpaid taxes"

"Okay now that just ridiculous, [ Your name ] explain to her what a spirit animal is" both of them look up at you waiting for an answer. Welp, its your time to decide who's right so you answered quickly.

"Vicky right, Amira would be a soft vicious alpha bunny who would throw up people unpaid taxes. It fits her very well and it's unique." You replied. Vicky smiles widely at you pumping her fist up.

"Exactly!! [ Your Name ], you know me so well."  Vicky repeatedly pumps her fist in the air until her right hand falls off.

Brain face palm and continue to eat his food. Vicky offer you  one of her human-toes chips to you but you kindly declined her offer.

Lunch ended and you felt a little closer to Vicky. You could feel the bond between you guys but not really because you guys are just friends. Hopefully she will accept your love and affection when prom day comes by.


It's the afternoon and you went to the library to go study...not really. You actually went on the computer to play an unofficial and unsafe gambling game online. Lucky you, you gained 100,000 monster dollars, but it was online so it actually worth only $5. Somehow you felt a little richer.

After spending time on the computer you spotted Vicky and Oz searching for something. You decided to walk up to them and figure out what were they looking for.

"Urrrg, My step-farther going to kill me!!" Vicky yelled scratching her head intensely. Oz patted her on the back trying too calm her down, but it didn't work.

"It gotta be here somewhere, don't worry so much"

"No it's over, my life is done, goodbye world it was nice knowing you" Vicky lay on the floor with one of her arm across her chest. She continues to act dead until some miracle solution pops up.

"....She going to stay like this until some random solution pops up" Oz sighs. You ask him what did she lost and he tells you what it seems to be Vicky's farther dairy.....You were not expecting a grown man to have a dairy, but you also didn't expect their daughter taking their dairy as well.

You and Oz quietly think up an idea to get Vicky from playing dead and surprising you thought up one first.

"Hey, how about you retrace your step while singing your favorite song" You announced your idea. You could see Vicky jolted up, springing back to life.

"Of course!!! Why didn't I think of that before!" Vicky shouted, but then got shh'ed  by the Liberian.

She started singing "Bad Guy" by Bailey Eyerish, a famous monster singer, and started walking backwards. You and Oz followed her until she stop at a book that looks like Vicky's farther dairy. She squealed in excitement and hugs you while Oz sigh in relief.

"Thank you thank you thank you sooo much!! I wouldn't know what to do without you." She thanks you again and let go of you. You can see her blushing a little, but it was probably from the excitement when she found her farther dairy...or is it? But it doesn't matter because you are glad that you were able to help Vicky.

"Welp, I g-gotta go now, I promised Brian to help him with his homework" Oz bid his goodbye and left you and Vicky alone. Vicky looks up at you and grin.

"Hey, this you wanna umm, come over and help me with something" Vicky asked you and you obliged to her request.

"Really? Cool! I never said  what the thing was but thanks!" She says excitedly.

School ended and everyone went home. After leaving from the library you felt very smart over your decision you made. Vicky just ask you to come over on the weekend and you feel a little [Your emotion you are feeling ] over it.


You choose Vicky's route

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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Monster prom (Alternate Universe){Reader X Brain/Oz/Vicky/Amira}Where stories live. Discover now