Chapter 2: A Beautiful Mind

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Peter Pettigrew was aghast as he stood gazing around the empty dungeon. Oh, this was bad, very bad indeed. He quaked with fear as he thought of the wrath of the Dark Lord when he found out young Malfoy had betrayed them all and was nearly sick. A wave of dizziness swept over him as he contemplated his fate and he swayed unsteadily, reaching out to lean against the wall for support. 

Surely being the one to find them gone was almost as bad as letting them get away. The Dark Lord would blame him and make him suffer untold tortures. It was not as if it was the first time, he reminded himself as he slid down the wall to sit on the floor. Whatever his punishment, it couldn't be any worse than cutting off his own hand. He looked at the silvery hand lying against his thigh and shuddered at the memory. He would survive; all he had to do was survive.

Slowly pulling himself together, he stood up, still a bit unsteady on his feet. Momentarily he contemplated running away—he could easily sneak out of the grounds and Apparate to Wales or Scotland to hide out. He had time. They had sent him to check on young Malfoy but then he was supposed to go to the library to pick up Lucius' travelling case. He looked at his pocket watch and saw that he had at least another five minutes or so until they would expect him back. Then he heard voices overhead and knew he was doomed.

He quickly made his way to the entrance as he heard footsteps on the stairs. When he walked through the doorway he was immediately faced with a very annoyed Bellatrix. 

"T-they've gone! Disappeared!" He cowered before her and she shoved him aside as she stormed into the dungeon to look for herself. "I swear they were gone when I got down here!" Pettigrew wrung his hands pleadingly.

"What on earth is going on down there?" a low voice drawled from above. Pettigrew turned and his face paled as Lucius appeared at the top of the stairs. "Bella?" he stopped when he saw Pettigrew and furrowed his brow as Bellatrix stormed back out the door.

"They've gone! Draco must have helped them escape." She turned an accusing eye on Lucius, whose face turned ashen. "Your son!" she spat at him, as he flew down the steps, brushing past her and slamming the dungeon door against the wall.

"Draco?" He stopped when he realised she was telling the truth. His face was stony when he turned back to face his sister-in-law. "It appears you are correct. They have gone. I doubt that my son would have helped them escape, however. No doubt they kidnapped him to use as a hostage." Pointing his silver cane at Pettigrew's neck, he lifted the other man's chin and growled menacingly. "What happened, Wormtail?"

"I-I don't k-know, Lucius! I swear!" The elder Malfoy stared at him a moment before dropping his cane. Pettigrew collapsed at his feet and began to plead pathetically. "Please.... It wasn't my fault. They were already gone when I opened the door. Please... d-don't hurt me! Have mercy!"

"You'll have no need of my mercy, you blithering heap of garbage," Lucius drawled back at him. "I am sure the Dark Lord will be more than happy to accept your... apologies." He turned on his heel and walked back up the stairs. "You can wait for him in the library, I think. I am sure he'll want to give you his full attention when he arrives."

Bellatrix laughed darkly before poking him with her wand. "Get up, you disgusting creature!" Reluctantly Pettigrew lurched to his feet and made his way up the stairs with Bellatrix's wand at his back. "You will pay for this!"

When they reached the top of the stairs, however, they found Lucius waiting for them at the top. " I think I know a way for Wormtail to make up for his... error." His eyes narrowed and he looked down his nose at the smaller man, whose own eyes were red and puffy as he sniffed noisily, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. Lucius' lip curled in disgust. "I think you should go after them. Find them, Wormtail, and bring them back here. Before the Dark Lord returns."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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