I didn't wake to the warm  gentle sunshine that narrowly escapes my curtains or the sweet melody of the birds chirping. Instead I woke up to my phone blaring with my mom's ringtone filling the air. Struggling, I reached over to the side table, I pick up my phone.

"Hello..." Still groggy from just waking up. I sit up and start to stretch and rub out the eye crust.

"Morning to you too darling! Just checking up on you since we weren't there to greet you." my mom tells me frantically. She was always a worrier.

"I'm fine mom. Just tired from the long drive and staying up late working on a new project." It's better if I don't tell her about Avalon and about the incident with James. She always blows things out of proportion.

"Well alrighty then. Call if anything comes up or happens. Your dad and I will be back in 9 days instead of 6. it seems like the weather turned for the worst and you know how I am with airplanes." Mom has always been scared of heights, and just being on airplanes make it worse, especially after 9/11 happened.

"Yeah ok mom. Tell dad I love him and I love you."

"Ok honey, love you too, bye."

Finally, I get off the phone. Now that I am awake it's time for me to get to work. I have to find something that's big enough for Avalon to take cover and it's easy to take down when Avalon leaves. Then I need to find a container big enough for her to drink out of. Pretty soon she's to give birth do I need a bunch of old towels and blankets and warm water ready for that. Well one thing at a time. First, I should find a container.

Getting up, I get dressed appropriately for the day I have ahead. Going over to the car garage, I look in search for a container to hold several gallons of water. Looking through the old junk, I find a few tarps. This would be good to cover Avalon, but it wouldn't be good to hold water. Looking a bit more, I find a few plastic barrels full of wood. I could seal the small hole and make a bigger one at the side. I could dig into the ground to make sure it's leveled and doesn't spill over either. Having a plan in mind I start working.

Soon the barrel is all done and now I just need to take it to where Avalon is. Getting out the little old wagon barrel, and fill it up with the water barrel, a shovel, rope and the tarps. Lifting it up, I trudge up to where Avalon is. In all my life, I've never did manual labor like this. To say the least I was tired by the time I got there.

"Good 'morrow Evelyn. It seems you are quite unused to such minimal labor."

"Ha, yeah, ha." I answered, not yet getting back all the air that should be in my lungs. I should really start working out.

"For the days to come, yes, as you've said, you should start too." Avalon answers to my thoughts once again. Catching my breath, I take out the shovel and start to dig out the ditch needed for the barrel. After about an hour, the barrel was in place and looked to be even too. Next came the tarps. Taking out the rope, I start to tie it up above Avalon, well with her help of course. How else was I going to get up in the trees without a latter? After another hour the hard stuff was finished. Now I just need to fill the barrel up with water. Going back to the house, I grab the hose and start to pull it to the woods. Soon it was filled all the way up.

"You didn't have to do this Evelyn."

"Yes, I did. I know you can survive days without food and water, but can you and your baby survive without anything? I'd rather not take any chances and do what is needed. Plus, I've seen how your rider took care of you. He was kind and gentle and got you everything you needed."

"Yes, he did. And now he's gone from the world."

"Yeah... Can you tell more about your world?" I ask. I may have seen the events as it happened in their time sequence, but I don't genuinely know the information to write about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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