Chapter 2/ Hoseok

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Hoseok's PV

Thank you Jin, anyways, after the proposal we all partied harder. We drank hard and we all stumbled our way to our cars. I don't exactly remember why we decided to not call Bang-PDM, but it was a terrible decision.

Jin drove one car, I drove another car, and then Namjoon drove the last car. Namjoon drove in the front of the cars because he drank the least, Jin, and then me of course. Namjoon made it home safely with Tae in his car. Jin made it home safely with Jimin and Yoongi. I on the other hand crashed.

Jungkook drove with me. He should've drove since he didn't drink at all. The only reason I drove was because Jungkook trusted me. He said I should drive since it's my car. I failed Jungkook that night. All I had to do was drive correctly, but I couldn't do it.

The street light was green for all of us, but when I was in the middle of the road a car hit us. It was their turn to stop and we weren't running a red light. It was sudden. The radio was playing and Jungkook was singing and laughing. I was laughing as we drove with the guys across the street. Then a bright light and a honk caught us off guard on Jungkook's side.

Then pain and blackness. I woke up and I started screaming. The pain was unbearable. Something from the car stabbed right into my arm. The rest of the guys were already around us outside. Jungkook wasn't in the car and the guys were helping me out. They had to cut my seatbelt off of me.

Yoongi was the one to pull me out of the car. He grabbed my face and he kept trying to talk to me. I couldn't hear him, but I still tried talking.


"I-I'm in s-so much pa-pain Yoon-gi." I managed to gasp out. I couldn't understand what he was saying and I shook my head at him. His face turned confused and pointed to his ears.

'can you hear me?' I managed to make out from his mouth. I shook my head again and he but his lip. He looked down at me and looked at my ears. He turned my head sideways and he touched my ear. I winced and he pulled away. He showed me his fingers and they had blood on them. I was bleeding from my ears.

"J-Jungkook?" I ask in pain. Yoongi looked away and my eyes fill with more tears. Then I see flashing lights and Yoongi helped me move farther away from the car. Then I black out.


Yoongi helped me get to the ambulance. The guys tell me that Yoongi was the one to notice the crash, and if he didn't notice we would probably be left behind. Yoongi told me for days it wasn't my fault about what happened to Jungkook. 'It was the other drivers fault' he always told me.

I didn't believe him for awhile until he finally snapped at me. He yelled at me that it wasn't my fault, and that I'm doing this because of Jungkook and what happened to him. He told me that Jungkook willingly got in that car and it's not my fault that he let me drive.

It was that moment I finally broke. I hugged Yoongi and I cried in his arms. He begged me to stop because it's making him sad. I soon fell asleep on the ground in my room in Yoongi's arms. I woke up in my bed tucked in, and then I rubbed my eyes and marched into the living room.

All the guys were sitting on the couch and talking. Yoongi saw me and he gave me a small smile. He cleared his throat and then said I'm in the room. They all turned to me and gave a small smile. 'come sit down' I remember Yoongi saying making me feel nauseous. I took slow steps to them and they all saw how sick I looked.

I took a seat and Jimin told me to breathe. I didn't even know I was holding my breath. I exhaled deeply and Yoongi rubbed my back. I felt tears in my eyes as they told me the news that I've wanted for so long.

'Jungkook is alive, but he's in a coma' Yoongi told me as the others looked at me. I felt relief spread through me and I let out a chuckle. He was alive, and I didn't kill him. Yoongi told me he wanted to make sure that he was going to live before telling me.

That night they took me to the hospital to check up on him. We asked for the room number and we left. The guys stayed outside the room while I went inside. It was kinda cold in the room and I gulped at the sight of Jungkook. They monitor beeped as I looked at him, and the tubes and stuff connected to him made me feel guilty again.

I heard the door click open and it closed as I sat down next to him. A warm hand landed on my shoulder, and a deep raspy voice filled the cold air.


"It's not your fault, remember?" Yoongi said as he rubbed my shoulder. I gulped as I looked at Jungkook, but I didn't reply to Yoongi.

"Hoseok-" "I can't help it Yoongi.... He's like my little brother.... I did this.." I interrupted Yoongi. I heard Yoongi let out a deep sigh, and his warm breath hit the back of my neck making me shiver.

"It's not your fault. It's the other driver's fault. You have been beating yourself up for two days now, so suck it up and act like a man Hoseok." I felt tears prick my eyes as Yoongi's grip tightened on my shoulder. I let my head fall and I sucked in a harsh breath.

"Okay..," I let out softly,"I believe you." I said to Yoongi as I stared at Jungkook breathing slowly. He let out a soft chuckled and he patted my shoulder.

"Good, I really hope you do because I won't be here forever Hoseok." he said making my heart drop. I stoop up suddenly and he backed up. I turned around and I hugged him, and I didn't let go until he said I should.


He's helped me through so much, and I will never forget that. Now I'll let my little brother take the stage. Jungkook?

Okayyyy, another chapter down, 5 to go. I hope you guys do enjoy this book and thank you for following the development of his name was Yoongi.

 I hope you guys do enjoy this book and thank you for following the development of his name was Yoongi

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His Name Was Yoongi- BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now