It's the beginning of May and finally spring break has started. No more classes, no more worries, now it's all about relaxation. Well for at least two weeks. So far, the school year has been difficult, but for now I'll have to deal with it until I graduate. And if I continue the way I'm doing now, I'll be famous! My art would be everywhere! Though first I have to make it to that point. Getting my head out of the clouds, I pull over into my exit lane to be on my way home in West Virginia. I love the secluded area and not being near anyone for miles to come. The mountains are just so beautiful and green, and when autumn comes around it's the most beautiful thing I've seen here. It wasn't my first home or where I grew up at. I was born and raised in Florida, but before the start of college my parents moved up here to have more privacy.

Soon I am home, after an hour-long twist and turns, going up and down the many winding roads. My home is a small home, but home nonetheless. This little home only has two bedrooms and two baths. The house may be tiny, but there is plenty of land to roam around. The deer aren't afraid at all and would just come up to you or lay underneath the front porch, not giving you a second glance. Pulling up into the gravel driveway, I see someone I've never wanted to see again. My ex; James. We broke up because he couldn't handle my life decisions and what I wanted a career in. He didn't accept me going into an art degree. He thought it was a useless industry to go into and I would just end up being one out of many starving artists in the world. I'm determined to prove him wrong, and wrong he shall be.

"Evelyn, hey... Look, I came to talk and maybe we can smooth things over?"

Talk? Please, it's been almost an entire year since we have broken up. The time to have a talk has already passed a long time ago, and even then, I wouldn't want to talk to a scumbag like you. We were what you would call, "the perfect couple." Been friends most of our lives, got together in high school, all the way until after graduation. That's when it all fell apart. After graduation when I made the decision to accept a free ride in a very prestigious art university in New York. I have always hated my full name, it was so ancient sounding, so I just went by Eve, but of course he would be the one to use it now of all times.

"I don't think so. We already had a "talk" James. Now go before I end up making you."
I pushed him out of the way so I could get inside and finally unpack. Of course, it wasn't as easy as that at all. James grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me back. My whole body jerked back from his strength.

"Let me go James, now. I don't appreciate being jerked around."

"Oh... I, um, sorry." James stammered while awkwardly letting go of my wrist. "I just want us to talk. And maybe we can, I don't know how to get back together?"

"Us? Get back together? You must be joking. There is no way in hell am I getting back with you. You should have supported me in my dreams in being an artist."

"Fine then! At least I am normal and don't bother trying to be something that isn't reality. Just like when we were children and you wanted to be a dragon trainer."

"I was a child James!" I yelled out to him. I was a child, only nine years old.

"Yet you still draw those things."

"That doesn't matter. That has nothing to do with now. I want to be an artist. It's good for me to practice drawing things I already know." I'm done with him, I'm done with this bull crap. Once again, I start walking back into my home. Leaving James looking stupid all alone outside. To think I was once so happy and in love with him to the point where I would do anything for him. Well, almost anything. I wouldn't abandon my dream to be an artist for him. Now it's all gone.

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