Behind The Mask [1] ⚡︎ Freddy

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(Gender neutral)   this was originally for a female reader so if you catch something that is female specific, please let me know and I'll fix it.

N/n - Nickname

Backstory: You are an alien from a far away planet (Like superman except your adoptive parents don't know about your powers) and you started living on earth about four years ago. You made friends with Freddy almost immediately and over the summer in between 8th and 9th grade, you became a superhero named Spectrum. You have photokinesis, the ability to control light. Freddy has always been Spectrum's number one fan, even though he has no idea that you are the one behind the mask.

You waited by your locker for Freddy and his new brother. Since you weren't able to meet his new brother last night, (because you got caught up being Spectrum and had to stop an bank robbery) he wanted you to meet him this morning. After a few minutes of waiting, you heard Freddy call your name. You looked over at him with a smile plastered on your face as he approached you, his new brother walking on the other side of him.

"Hey Freddy!" You greeted him, "Again, I'm really sorry about cancelling so last minute last night! I really wish I could've been there!" You gave him an apologetic smile.

"Don't worry about it," he assured, "Plus, I'm pretty much used to you cancelling on me by now."

You winced at his words and nervously laughed, "I'm not proud of it." You really wanted to tell Freddy about the secret life you were living but you didn't want to put him in danger. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if any harm were to come to him.

"Again, don't worry about it," he gave you a reassuring grin. "Anyway, this is Billy," he introduced him.

"Hi! I'm Y/n," you smiled with a slight wave.

He flashed you a quick, small, smile. "So you're Y/n... I've heard a lot about you from Freddy," Billy smirked as Freddy blushed.

"Oh really?" You questioned, a smirk forming on your face as well.

"I didn't talk about y/n that much..." he muttered. "I was just disappointed that you weren't able to be there," he justified.

"Keep telling yourself that, Freddy," Billy teased. The comment caused both you and Freddy to blush, although you hid your blush better than Freddy.

"Well, I have to show Billy to his class, So I'll see you at lunch!" Freddy (who was clearly embarrassed) rushed off, dragging Billy with him.


"Y/n, I have to tell him about the survey," Freddy exclaimed as you two walked into the cafeteria.

You sighed, a small smile on your face. "I really don't think you have to."

"But the results are so interesting!"

You spotted Billy alone at a table and started walking over as you responded, "Freddy, you tell everyone about that survey and the responses are always the same! I should know, I've heard you talk about it thousands of times."

By now, you had made it to the table. Freddy smirked at you.

"Flight or invisibility? If you could have one super power, flight or invisibility, what would you pick?" He asked as he sat his tray down.

You sighed as you sat down next to him, not wanting Freddy to go on about this topic again. His love of superheros is absolutely adorable but you can only hear the same thing so many times.

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