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Leslie: Hey everyone!! I'm so glad to be apart of this journey helping these children haha!! Hope everyone comes to the meeting tomorrow at 5:45 pm...don't be late!! 👍🏻

Janet: I'm for sure gonna be there, so glad to be apart of this too!! Just got a babysitter for my little Timmy. 😁

Rebekah: OMG!! Very excited, and I have gluten, organic, and vegan capriSuns for the kids!! They have a game on Saturday. 😌

Karen: Not sure if I can go to the meeting 😬!! My little Tommy is going to see Little Wayne...I'm sorry for the inconvenience!!

Janet: Oh have fun haha... I wouldn't let my little young yin's listen to that, but be safe.

Pam: Yeah that's not very vegan of you Karen. Letting your kids listen to that kind of stuff can be risky!!

Karen: I'm not too sure what you guys are talking about...he said it's a Christian group!

Susan: Make sure you check before saying yes to things like that...they are right that's not very vegan of you!! 😮

Sarah: Sorry I was just giving my little Samantha some lunch!! She has been eating a new food lately...ice cubes. Very healthy, organic, gluten free, and vegan!

Judy: Oh man!! I might just have to try that, thank you Sarah.

Leslie: Ok well hate to stop the conversation, but anyone that is going to the PTA meeting tomorrow needs to let me know!! Thanks. 🤗

Karen: Well now that I know what Little Wayne is I can for sure go!! 😠 I'm going to have to talk to little Tommy about this.

Pam, Judy, Rebekah, Janet, Susan, and Sarah all say they can go

Rebekah: I have a topic to talk about tomorrow!! It's very important.

Pam: And what would that be Rebekah? 🤔

Rebekah: Well you see the neighbors have been having barbecues outside, and my little Jimmy cannot be smelling that in this vegan neighborhood!! 👎🏻

Sarah: Oh I see that is a very important topic!! Leslie, what do you think?

Leslie: Well as the board leader I think we should talk about that in the neighborhood meetings NOT at PTA!! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Janet: She has a point, but what if there vegan burgers?

Rebekah: WOW you might have a point there!!

Pam: Ok, but are they organic, gluten free, AND vegan? 🤔

Rebekah: I guess I'll have to find out, and find out soon!! I could be putting little Jimmy in danger! 😮

Leslie: Ok we will see you all tomorrow, and remember the neighborhood meetings are every Wednesday!! Make sure to bring up the barbecue. Bye! 🙂

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