Part 2

205 16 3


L/N= last name
Y/N= your name
N/N= nick name
E/C= eye colour
H/C= hair colour
* more might be added later*

Y/N p.o.v

My eyes opened to the annoying sound of my alarm, it was loud and could be heard throughout the whole house. This alarm was different however, it never shut up.

"Wake up lazy ass it's time for training, school starts in three days and we need to work on your combat some more!" Haru yelled at me jumping up and down on the bed. He was screaming loud making my ear ache at his volume.

How did one have so much energy so early in the morning. What time did he even wake up?

Not knowing what time it is I rolled over and peered at my phone. It read 5:40am. Fantastic.

"You said 6!" I grunted throwing the covers off my body, i sat on my bed with tired eyes staring at my dresser. I had no strength to lift myself off the bed so I waited there as if the strength would magically appear out of nowhere.

He stopped jumping and jumped off my bed facing me. "Yeah training starts at 6 which means you have to wake up before 6" he walked out the door leaving me by myself.

I groaned in frustration pushing myself off the board to wash myself up. My arm started brushing my teeth lazily as I looking at the mirror at my appearance. I washed my face and tied my hair in a high pony tail for training. I was ready, heading down the stairs craving some food. I walked into the kitchen looking for something to eat that would ease this craving. I saw an Apple in the fruit bowl making my stomach grumble. I know what I'm going to be eating.

I reached for the Apple but my hand was slapped away. I caressed it rubbing the throbbing spot. I turned to my brother with anger. "What the hell Haru?!" My brother wore a smirk before kicking the Apple away.

"No time for food, training starts now" he stated.

"But-" I was unable to get my sentence out as he started attacking me with his fist. "Woah! Not in here, mom is gonna kill us!" I yelled as I dodged his attack. He ignored my protest and kept swinging at me. He activated his quirk as he appeared behind me making me turn around, then appeared behind my again and kicking me behind the knee. The impact made me stumble as he hit the weakest part of the body. I caught myself swinging my leg at him but it went right through him as he looked pixelated.

"put all your strength in your shin and down" he commanded as he appeared in front of me and then behind. My arms reached behind me as I grabbed his wrist and twisted it giving him slight pain.

"Not good enough" Haru then glitched our of my clutches and appeared behind me, grabbing my arm and placing it behind my back. I then used my legs and tripped him from behind. He hit the ground with a loud thud, I knew if we continued in there we were bound to break something. I ran to the backyard with Haru chasing after me. I looked behind me and saw he wasn't there anymore

"Surprise" Haru was in front of me and gave me a smirk, he was pleased that he was getting the upper hand. Haru liked winning, but not as much as I did. I swung my fist which he dodged easily. "Light work" he said to me rubbing it into my face. I swung again and instead of his face I aimed for his abdomen, This time hitting him. He made a grunting sound holding his stomach looking at me with a smile.

I mirrored it back as he was in a weak position right now. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it so his body was on top of my back. I flung him over but before he touched the ground he glitched out of my grasp.

"You jerk! Why can you sue your quirk and I can't?" I asked him gasping for air. "Your heavy, like shit" my voice came out in huffs, I was lacking the air I needed.

Determination (Bakugou x reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now