World So Cold

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After the outbreak it was only the 3 of them riding on the open, mildly infested, roads. Deacon, Boozer and y/n. The trio were all one another had left after it all, especially after Deacon lost his wife Sarah. It had taken him a long time to adjust but he'd made it through thanks to the other two he rode with.

It was never easy being Boozer sister but she made it through. Sure she would have the occasional guy over and one of the boys would scare him off. It would be aggravating to no end but she still loved them. The feelings for Deacon were different than any of the other guys she was ever with. Crushing on a guy with a wife that was now dead was not the best thing you could do but she couldn't help it. He was just everything she could have ever wanted and more. As much as she loved the two of them, it wasn't easy living with 2 men so the woman stayed at Ada Tucker's camp. Ada needed all the help she could get and y/n was the perfect help. The boys would visit everytime they could which was nice and Ada let her leave whenever.

One day the older woman came up to y/n while she was working in one of the supply rooms.

"Y/n! Perfect, just the person I was lookin for."

"Hey Tuck is something wrong? Are Deacon and Boozer here?"

The other woman paused before continuing, "Uh, see that's the problem. St. John just called in on the radio and said to tell you that he's taking your brother to Lost Lake."

Y/n stopped counting the canned peaches and went cold. This had to be about Boozer's arm.

"Go ahead and go after your boyfriend and brother. I already made sure you had the next week out to go be with them."

"He's not my boyfriend Tuck. And you shouldn't have taken me out of work for that long. You'll need my help."

"Don't you worry about me, I can make one of the other lazy people here work. Now go make sure that those boys are alright."

Y/n ran out of the room and to her cabin to grab some clothes, guns and ammo before she ran to her bike. The same one that boys had given to her 3 weeks before the outbreak as a birthday present.

The ride to Lost Lake felt like the longest ride she had ever been on and she surprisingly didn't run into any trouble. When the woman made it to the gates she shouted her name to the man on watch and was let in. She rode to the infirmary and walked in to see her brother on a bed and Deacon sitting next to him. He stood when he heard her enter.

"Deek…" the woman said his name and ran into his arms while looking at her brother. Boozer was pale and there was a bandage on his arm from where the Rippers had attacked. With her head on the man's chest she asked, "What did Addy say?" He sighed and pulled back to look at her.

"Not good,if we don't amputate the arm the infection will move through the rest of the body and he will die. But he keeps coming in and out of consciousness due to the drugs she put him on." Before the other woman could even try to resist them, the tears poured out of her eyes and she fell back into his arms.

"I'm gonna go take a walk and process things, can you stay and watch him for me Deek?"

"Of course."

Y/n left the room and Deacon sat down in the chair and looked over to see Boozer looking at him.

"Why aren't you two together yet?"

"W-what do you mean?"

The other man scoffed, "I mean that you obviously like my sister. Just be careful with her. If it means anything, I wouldn't want her with anybody else," Deacon started to say something but the other man kept speaking, "All I'm asking is that you give her a chance brother. She's changed you for the better and I want you to stay the man she's changed you into. Now go. Go find y/n and tell her how you feel."

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