Jiang Cheng rested his upper body on the desk. Lao Xu lectured as if he was chanting a Buddhist scripture and the ongoing chatters around him were no different. This never-ending chanting attacked him from all corners, making him dizzy and muddle-headed for half of the class—it was truly boring. He looked at his phone and sent Pan Zhi a message.

- Sūnzi (Grandson).

Pan Zhi replied immediately.

- Yéye (Grandpa), what class are you in? Do you have time?

- Language and Literature, you?

- English, Lao Lv suddenly attacked us with a surprise test. I'm so dead.

- It's not a formal exam, what is there to be dead about?

- I can't even answer any of the questions. Lao Lv said something about digging deep and finding out the truth. I think he has a hidden agenda!

That message from Pan Zhi had an image attached to it. Jiang Cheng merely glanced at it and sighed, this was a page of multiple-choice questions and the angle of the image was just plain cunning. With one look, one could tell that this photo was secretly taken under the risk of saying goodbye to his cellphone for the whole summer.

He looked at the time and enlarged the image, then he looked at the questions and quickly started to write the answers in his notebook. Just as he had written two questions, Pan Zhi sent three more images in rapid succession. He glanced at them, somewhat speechless. Fuck, isn't he just sending all the multiple-choice questions on the test paper...

- Wait.

After he sent Pan Zhi that one-word reply, he continued to look at the questions.

In fact, these were not considered to be hard questions since the answers could more or less be guessed. He did not know why Pan Zhi couldn't even write out an answer.

With the surrounding still quite noisy, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but admire Lao Xu's endurability. Perhaps for a teacher who was already accustomed to teaching a chaotic class, his endurability was just naturally strong.

He still remembered that in his first year of high school, the chemistry teacher did not have a strong appeal. When someone chatted during class, her voice was ordinary compared to the one that he was listening to now; truthfully, Lao Xu's would have made her cry out of anger. If she was switched to this class, she would definitely bawl her eyes out until she became a transparent glass wallflower.

Look at how awesome this Lao Xu was.

Jiang Cheng wrote out the answers while glancing up at Lao Xu, he was permissive towards people napping and chit-chatting. As long as you didn't stand up and start dancing around the room, he didn't even bother to stop his lesson.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Since Pan Zhi only sent multiple-choice questions, it didn't take long for him to finish. Then, as he inputted the answers into their chatroom and sent them to Pan Zhi, he looked at the time. There were still a few minutes left before class ended, enough for him to copy the answers.

As for the other questions... Pan Zhi had always been too lazy to write, and sometimes, even too lazy to copy.

After he sent the message, he senselessly opened the -Moments- section of his WeChat[2] and slowly scrolled down only to see Jiang Yijun... his beloved younger brother had posted a selfie of the family eating out; their mother and father were in the background—a family of three, joyous and harmonious. He suddenly felt suffocated, followed by a strange reaction of wanting to vomit.

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