Morning Starts

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          "MURDOC, GET YUR' ASS DOWN HERE!!!", my Dad screamed. Woken up like every other morning. I peel my eyes open and look around my room. The same old same old. Clothes scattered about and an odd smell I could never rid of. Oh well. Not like anyone will get to bare witness to my trash hole of a room.

           I drag myself out of bed and went over to my bathroom mirror. I scratch my knicker covered ass walking over to it, leaning in close to see my face. Still the same pail green complection, with my broken nose earned by a well fought fight with a square. No good, goody two shoes that think they are better than everyone else just because their polished shoes and their wealth. I'd bite my thumb at them any day. Posh twats.

        I open my mirror to grab my switch blade comb and brush my hair back. Gotta look half way decent.

       After finishing my business in the bathroom I grab some denim jeans and slide them on along with a wife beater. I put my socks and boots on and before leaving my room, grabbing my lucky leather jacket. And I was off.

     I walk down the small hall to the livingroom/kitchen. It is a crappy little place we rented, but it was all we could afford. And also really set in stone for us to be called a drape. But I never paid mind to it. My Great Grand Pappy was a drape, my GrandPappy was a drape, my Dad was a drape, my older brother was a drape, and I was a Drape.

     There my dad and brother were, wondering about the kitchen, either eating breakfast or drinking a cheap beer.

    "Oie, you betta hurry the fuck up, ya gonna be late for school!", my brother, Hannibal said with the loudest voice. God this is always why I have a fuckin head ache.

     "Yea yea, I'm goin'." I said headin out the door. For literally no reason at all, my dad Sabastian Niccals, threw his beer bottle towards the door. It didn't phase me at all. It was like every other morning.

        I grabbed my keys out of my pocket and sat down on my motorcycle. It was my only prized possestion that I held close to me. I liked to up keep it to its very best. It looks almost new dispite a couple scratches here and there. And my favorite thing was the intentional initials of my name near the front. "M.N." Murdoc Niccals is the name, local bad boy is my game.

       I put the keys in the ignition and turn them till it turned on. I wanted to show off the beauty like always so I revved the hell out of it so all the neighborhood could hear. And like always they all seemed to like it. It was useually their wake up call in the first place. I could hear hoops and holars from all the trailers and RV's left around. This was the highlight of my mornin. Now it was off to school. One hell hole to another.


         The blareing of my alarm clock had woke me up along with the sun blaring in my face. It was like every other morning for school. I slowly sat up rubbing my crusted over eyes. I turned and slipped on my slippers along with my robe that was hung up beside my bed and got up to walk to my bathroom. I walked up to the mirror.

         I leaned in a little bit to look at myself, rubbing my eyes eyes a bit more. They were a dark brown that looked very pleasing.  I grabbed my toothbrush and the toothpaste to brush my pearly whites. Though the disapointment every time was doing my morning ritual was the lack of my two front teeth. And my oddly bright blue hair. Two of these caused by two different incidents.

            The blue hair was caused by falling out of a tree at the age of seven. All my hair fell out and grew back blue. I've tried to dye it back to black but the colour wouldn't take. And the teeth was caused by a car accident. I didn't see where I was going and crashed into a fire hydrant, knocking my two front teeth on the steering wheel. Luckily people here were not mean to me. At least to my face. I guess that is the luxury of being a "square".

      The social classes were pretty dumb but it just seemed to stay that way no matter what. No matter how hard someone tried to change it, it stayed the same. And quite frankly I never paid too much mind to it. School was school and I wanted to get over it. It is my junior year anyways, so I only have a year left. So little time to care about a certain class I fit into.

     Once I was done dressing myself, brushing my unruly hair down, and putting my shoes on, I made my bed and grabbed my binder and ran down the stairs. Of course me being the dummy I am, doing so caused me to gain a splitting pain in my head. Also to mention about tjat car accident, I bumped my head on either a side and caused me to have two slight dents in my head. Of course they were covered well by my hair so it was only the cruddy after effects of migraines.

      I slowed my roll on the stairs and walked towards the cabinet in the kitchen to grab my meds. No one was in here, already been to their jobs. My dad being an owner of a record shop and my mum working in accounting. They thought I would feed myself in the mornings but little to they know, all I would grab is a peice of butter bread and go.

       After takeing my medicine and my "breakfast" I walk towards the door grabbing my keys, only before leaving, looking in a near by mirror. I fixed my hair a bit more, flattened my sweater vest, and fixed my tie. Had to look nice. Had to look presentable. Its what my mum had always told me. Once done with that it was off to school. I went to my small red caddy and got in, turning on the ignition. Here we go. One hell whole to another.

AN: Hello fellow trash of the Gorillaz fandom. This is just something I thought up, not sure how far Im really gonna go with it. My main inspiration for this is the movie Cry Baby minus a lot of the cheesiness of it.

And to answer a question, im not sure if I will be adding Noodle and Russle yet or what status they will be cause I can't really see where they would go quite yet, but now thinking about it, I probably will.

Paula, Ace, Russle, Noodle and maybe a small self incert. Nothing too narcissistic. Yeah that sounds about right.

But anyways I hope you enjoy the story for all its trashy glory.

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