Flight 1D down

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Hey guys this is the first story I have written so let me know what you guys think. I do also have another account but it wouldn’t let me post stories in that one so I made this one. Well that enough talking let’s get on with the story. Let me know of any errors you see and any feedback you may have.

Flight 1D Down.

Chapter 1.

“Excuse me where is the nearest exit to the airport?”

“Keep driving down about half a mile and the exit should be on your left.”

“Thank you so much! Come on mom drive! I’m going to miss my flight!”

“I’m driving as fast as I can go. See this is what you get for waking up late.”

Typical I’m about to leave for the biggest trip of my life and my mom is nagging me about waking up late. Yep great way to start the trip. I am off to the London for a year. I’ve always wanted to go their but I was in high school. Now I’m graduated and I’m taking a year off of school to live my life. It’s always been about school for me, but not this year. This year is going to be all about me and the beautiful town of London.

“Oh look I see the exit mom! Hurry!”

“Brooke Davis stop rushing me!”

We drove into the exit and I could see the airport. There we’re so many people outside. Mostly teenage girls. Weird. Anyways I didn’t have time to think about that right now all I wanted was to get inside, and leave this place. I had been living in the town of Napa in California since I was born. It was a great town, but not the town I wanted to spend the rest of my life in. I wanted to get out travel and then once I travelled everywhere I wanted to go I would settle down, someplace near a beach or in the mountains. Some where I could live alone with the husband I would one day have.  I was cut out of my daydream when I started to hear the loud screaming of all the people outside. I couldn’t understand what they were saying, and honestly I didn’t care.

Finally we found a parking space. Once my mom parked and turned off the car I jumped out of my seat and ran for the trunk to get my luggage. I had four, plus two small ones. This was going to be a hard trip from my car to the airport doors.  I grabbed two and the small bags, and my mom the other two. We ran, almost sprinted, to the doors. Till we were stopped by the crowd of girls screaming outside. Oh hell no! I was not about to miss my flight just because some stupid girls were blocking the door. I was determined to get inside. And I always get what I want. I began pushing and shoving everyone in my way, my mom following close behind me. I earned a few glares and dirty faces from the girls I pushed but did I care, no. Finally I saw the door I could almost hear angels singing, I was so happy to finally get inside when, “Miss you can’t go inside.”

“What the hell?  Why not! I need to get inside I’m about to lose my flight so move out of my way!”

“I’m sorry miss we have orders not to let anyone inside. We have very important people about to arrive and we can’t have anyone inside the airport.”

“Who the hell is so important that I can’t go inside! I am going to lose my flight!”

“You haven’t noticed all the posters everyone is holding?”

“What posters?” I turned around to look at the crowd and just about every single girl was holding up a poster that said One Direction. Great I’m missing my flight because of these five boys!

“One Direction! Are you serious! They are the big important people I can’t go inside for! Mom do something!”

“Is there any way we could just go inside it will only take a minute. My daughter has been waiting for this day a long time.

“Sorry miss but there is nothing I can do.”

Then the crowd got louder. I began to hear someone saying “Make room! We need room for them to pass!” And that’s when everyone started making way for the so called “important people”. I saw each of them get out of the limo and they all smiled and waved at the girls. Or what I now knew were the fans. One by one they went inside. First Liam and oh look he brought his girlfriend. Then Louis and his, and Zayn and his. Next came the blond one, which I later learned was named Niall by the screaming of the fans. He turned and looked at me before he went inside. He smiled and then kept walking. Oh how I wanted to punch that pretty little smile off of him for making me miss my flight. And the last one came out. He smiled and waved at his fans. He was about to go inside when I grabbed his shoulder.

“Hey! Because of you I am missing my flight! A flight I paid for with the money I’ve been saving up! Do you know how long it took me to get that money! A very long time! And I am not about to lose that all because of you and your pretty little band!” I began yelling at him. He just looked at me surprised.

“I... I” Was all he could say. Great a pop star that doesn’t know how to talk. That’s exactly what I needed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside with him.

“Hey! Where are you taking me!” I yelled at him.

“You said you wanted to get inside didn’t you. Well your inside.” He responded in his I have to admit very sexy British accent. I looked around for the airline my flight was leaving from. I saw it and instantly ran for it. The curly haired one just looked at me and my mom running in the direction of the airline desk.

“Hello my name is Brooke Davis and I am riding aboard flight 723 to London at 8:22 a.m.” I began taking out my passport. I saw the lady just standing there with a confused face.

“Flight 723 left 5 minutes ago I’m sorry” I looked at the lady. Now I was the one with the confused expression. I looked at my Phone it said 2:27. No. My flight was lost. I sunk to the floor. I was about to start crying when I was interrupted.

“Hey is everything o.k.? Did you get your flight?”  I looked up and saw all five guys and their girlfriends looking down at me. Curly (I gave him this name since I didn’t know his actual name) was the one talking. I was so mad. I wanted to get up and yell at him and the others, because it was their fault I lost my flight. Instead I just responded with a simple…

“No. I was too late, the plane left five minutes ago.” I looked away from them back to the ground. I was so disappointed. This was all a had wanted since I graduated and now it was gone.

Curly turned around and started talking to the other boys. I got up grabbed my stuff and headed for the door, my mom following behind.

“Hey! Wait!” I heard someone yell. I turned around to see curly coming towards us. The others close behind. “You can ride with us. We have our own private jet. And we all feel really bad for making you lose your fight so why don’t you come with us. We’re going to be landing in the London airport anyways.” He said. I just looked at him surprised I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I was getting my trip! I ran to Curly and hugged him as hard as I could.

“Thank you thank you thank you soooooo much!” I said.

“You’.. you’re welcome” He said while hugging back. I let go and hugged and kissed my mom goodbye.

“Take care baby.”

“I will mom. I’m gunna miss you so much!” We hugged for a few seconds then I finally let go. I looked at her and said “Bye mom I love you.”

“I love you to hunny.”

After that we were off to the boys “private jet”.  Everyone seemed so excited to get onto the plane. All I wanted was to get on and fly to London so my new life could begin.

    AN: Well what did you guys think so far huh? Did you like it? What do you think is gunna happen next? Please give me feedback if you have any. I’ll be posting up the next chap. Soon. Well hope you all enjoyed reading chapter fan, comment, vote, etc !. Till next time xoxo.

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