Chapter 1

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I woke up screaming. I remember everything that happened from the time the 100 hit the ground to the time I died. It just can't be real. How am I back here? Why am I not dead? I remember choking, black blood spewing like a geyser. I remember the pain from the death wave carrying the radiation. The burns feeling like sand blasted acid ripping my skin off. So, I'm sure you can understand how I don't understand why I'm waking up on the Ark in my bed with my dad asking if I'm ok. My dad who got floated before we ever got dropped to the ground. Maybe it was all just a vivid nightmare. One can hope anyway. Only time will tell. If it isn't a nightmare I hope I can change some of the events in our favor. Save those lives I couldn't save or just plain save us. I do know one thing for sure, if it is real, Lexa has to live. If she falls we fall and that can't happen again because here is the part the grounders never truly understood. If we fall, they fall.

My name is Clarke Griffin and I was born in the year 2130. In the fall of 2148 my father found a catastrophic life support system failure on the Ark. He got floated because he attempted to go public with the discovery. Kane made sure he failed in alerting the people but he also made sure I couldn't' tell anyone either. He had me locked up and put in solitary just to be safe. Fortunately, it's 6 months before my dad gets floated and I get sent to juvenile detention for treason. I have 6 months to put a plan together to save my father but to go over all of my memories for the 200 days on earth. Six months is all I have, from the day we were send to earth to the second Praimfaya 200 days is all it took to wipe out humanity and end the human race.

I'm not worried about what to do when I hit the ground. I can see every mistake I made and everything I should have done differently but I can also see the things I wish I could change but know I shouldn't. I know there were decisions I made that I wish I could change but without those choices I wouldn't have the power and respect I will need among the grounders. As much as I hate Wenheda, I know I will need to become her to save my people. There isn't another way. I will have to kill people to save my people no matter how sick it makes me feel or how the dead haunt me. I will have to take lives and I will have to live with that. I don't know if it's because I lived through it before or if it's because I know now what will happen if I don't. I will never be cavalier with taking a life but if I take a life to save a life it's my responsibility to keep the life that was saved otherwise the death I dealt was unnecessary.

I was sitting with Wells playing chess thinking about that memories from the dream when the alarm went off. "All citizens must report to the nearest shelter zone immediately. This is not a test. This is a solar flare alert." We were walking through the hall when someone pushed me into the wall causing me to cut my hand. It was then I knew everything I remembered was real. Inky black liquid dripped from my hand. I didn't have black blood until 10 days before Praimfaya. Hiding my hand from Wells I walk into the shelter zone.

"I hate these things. First, we have the tests just to make sure we know what to do. Cause hey we didn't grow up in space, so we must be stupid but then it's not t a drill and we are stuck in here with nothing to do for hours." Wells said. I just nodded. I didn't know what to say and I couldn't think past my black blood. My hand was still bleeding but I also couldn't take care of it since it would draw unwanted attention to me. How do you explain black blood to people who have never seen it or heard of it before? "What happened to your hand?" Wells asked because of course he noticed. He always notices everything about me. I love Wells, he is my best friend but I really wish he just tuned me out sometimes. I know it's because he's in love with me. As much as I wish he wasn't or wish he put that burden on someone who could return those feeling. He deserves that. "What?" I ask feigning ignorance. "Your hand is black. What happened?" I look at my hand. "I got pushed into the wall and my pen broke." I said hoping he doesn't look and closer or realize I didn't have a pen in my hand. "Here". He hands me a little piece of cloth. I wipe my hand off and hold it in my hand hoping the pressure will slow the bleeding.

Three hours later I'm in my quarters. Sitting at my desk I clean up my hand and start writing a plan. Step 1: save dad. Step 2: Get arrested. Step 3: Save us and humanity. Humble goals.

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