- "Are you listening to yourself?" –my jaw trembled, I felt the tears in my eyes- "They'd never hurt each other."

- "Bellamy, only one Champion could make it out of there."

- "No, no..." –I shook my head.

- "Bellamy, I understand you believe in them, and they might have had a chance, but Luna was still there." –Clarke took a step towards me- "The possibility of no one getting the bunker was great. Of the end of the human race! Can't you understand that?"

- "Yeah, I understand you did what you thought you had to do like you always do!" –I reproached her harshly- "But you can't expect me to stay down here not knowing what happened to my family."

- "What if Samantha won the bunker for Azgeda, she'd kick you out too."

- "Stop talking about Sam like you know shit about her!" –I approached Jaha, I'd knock him out if I had to; I would if he kept throwing Sam's name around like he knew her, talking shit about her when she wasn't around to defend herself- "Sam is my family and I won't stand here as you try to demonize her."

- "We're not opening that door!" –Jaha yelled at me.

- "I must have missed the election that made you Chancellor again."

The door behind me opened, not allowing Jaha to reproach me anything else, revealing Abby.

- "I was setting up the infirmary and I heard people in the corridor." –she turned around, looking at the three of us- "Is it over? Did we win?"

- "We don't know." –I answered her, letting my arms fall at the sides of my body.

- "Where's Marcus?"

- "He was in the Tower. We sent some people for him, Bellamy and Octavia." –Jaha looked at me as if that was supposed to make it okay- "Bellamy was the only one we could get in time. I'm sorry."

- "Give me your radio." –Abby demanded- "Marcus has his."

- "The walkies are no good down here." -Jaha was quick to answer, but Clarke moved back behind the table, pressing a button that revealed a secret compartment- "Clarke?" –he asked but his tone was more reproaching than anything else.

- "I'm letting them say goodbye."

Abby and I quickly moved to the radio as Jaha tried to convince us not to, saying that'd be more painful, but I wasn't listening, I didn't care for a word he said.

- "The radiation levels are already critical." –that sparked my attention- "That means people up there are already feeling the effects. Once they realize we took the bunker, it'll be chaos and, if we open that door, we let that chaos inside."

- "I understand." –Abby's tone was cocky and I couldn't help but smile- "Now, get the hell out of my way."

I started the radio, setting the frequency to that of the walkies, trying to hear anything, whatever it was.

- "Can anyone hear me? Over." –my heart stopped beating for a second as I heard my sister's voice at the other end- "This is Octavia, can anyone hear me, damn it?"

- "O!" –I answered her immediately- "It's me, are you okay? What happened?"

- "I'm alive." –her voice was hard- "We won." -Octavia had won. I looked around me, seeing the surprise in the faces of everyone there. Sam- "Bell, what the hell did you do?"

- "It wasn't me, but I'll fix it." –my mind was going a mile per hour- "What... Sam?"

- "Bellamy, I need you to listen to me, we don't have much time." –her urgent tone worried me- "When we won, we made a deal with the other clans, to share the bunker equally, a 100 people per clan. Kane is buying us some time helping them select their people and Gaia somehow convinced the scouts to lock down the temple, but if anyone finds Skaikru stole the bunker, we're all dead."

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