Interlude 4

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          After doing another energy-depleting cleanup, Charley was snoring on his bunk. He was having dreams about Edgar fighting his way to victory. Was Hunter inducing that dream?

         He never got a chance to answer that, because a sharp pain in his back snapped him awake. Groaning, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Barley had kicked him from below.

          Barley, hearing the moving humantoon, said, "Sorry 'bout that, but what's keeping you up?" He rubbed his eye as he sleepily gazed up at Charley.

           "Did you dream what I dream?" Charley asked, his voice distant and implying wonder. "Edgar was battling monsters to get those stones, and he looked fierce."

             Barley's eye flashed, looking just reminiscent of white fire. "If it were me, I'd give those freaks a what for." He punched the air a few times, the fire in his eye growing.

            "Right? How dare they try to hurt Edgar?! But he won anyway, looks like we taught him well." Charley said, relief filling his features. Unfortunately, tears also filled his eyes at the mention of his arachnid friend.

             I hate to interrupt this emotional reunion, but we have work to do. And no, Charley, I didn't force you to dream about your friend. That takes advanced magic, and I'm a little past average.

             Charley wiped his eyes. "What do you need us to do?"

            We need to see if your friend has the River Stone or not. Walk to Welkisberk's throne room, but do not enter.

             "How are we supposed to see it if we don't enter?" Charley cried in frustration.

              Hunter huffed. You wouldn't see it anyway, since Welkisberk wouldn't have it. Your job is to eavesdrop.

              The men quietly walked to the door. They didn't get far before they heard Welkisberk shouting in anger.

              "What do you mean, he has it already?!" he screamed.

              Skye, now clad in midnight blue with coppery shoes, looked terrified. The cloudwing answered for her. "By the time I reached Kamikazhan Town, your statue reported that he'd

claimed the Citrine and left. And his guide, a girl called Siletta, said he harbored some kind of strange energy."

            "I'll have that spider's head on my wall!" Welkisberk yelled, face strawberry red.

              Skye spoke now. "If he has such great power, maybe we can convince him to join us. He'd be a most powerful ally, don't you agree?"

            "He would be, yes, but if we tried to kill him, I doubt he'd switch sides." That was Welkisberk. "However, it doesn't hurt to try."

            "Oh, no," Charley whispered, his eyes glazed with terror. "What would they use him for?"

             I am reaching out to my sister. She says your friend's energy is unrivalled by anything she's ever seen. And trust me, she's seen quite a bit of strange magic.

            Barley opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Welkisberk's voice cut him off. "Skye, fetch the slaves. I'm suspecting that this spider is the one we left behind."

           "Yes, right away." Skye quickly sashayed to the door.

          The Butchers glanced at each other and took off like bullets to their room. They jumped back onto their beds and tried to act casual.

          Skye kicked the door open, looking strikingly attractive even though her stare was unforgiving. "Evening, boys. The king expects to see you."

         "What? We late for a date?" Charley joked, earning a snicker from Barley.

          Skye did not appreciate his sense of humor. "The king thinks your friend is throwing a wrench into his plans. He wants to see you both promptly."

         The Butchers exchanged glances. Did this mean they'd been caught?

         In the throne room, they were not surprised to see Welkisberk boiling with anger. "Ah, the servants. We need to have a little chat."

        "I'd rather not," Barley answered. "I'm not in the mood for a yelling contest."

         Charley smirked at him. Good one, he mouthed.

         Welkisberk was just as indifferent as Skye. "Let's talk about your little friend. The spider."

         If Charley was scared, he didn't show it. He crossed his arms and frowned, looking more disdainful if anything.

         Barley glared at the Apparitionist. "What about him?"

         Welkisberk smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know. I think you know already."

         "I don't know anything. If Edgar was wrecking your plans, how would we know? We've been locked up here since you abducted us! And second, why would Edgar do something crazy like embark on a quest? He's a child!"

         Charley was surprised. He'd had no idea Barley was such a great actor. "I vouch for Barley!"


"They have a point, master," Skye muttered. "If the perpetrator is their friend, they wouldn't know."

"Well, looks like that spider has been hiding something, eh?" Welkisberk laughed evilly. "How exciting. But on the off chance that you speak true, I want all my troops to patrol the remaining Stones."

"Right away," Skye said, bowing and then sashaying away.

Welkisberk's unforgiving glare was now focused on the Butchers. "I swear, if you two are withholding something about this spider, you are both dead."

Charley gulped, all confidence gone. Barley looked only slightly shaken.

"Why? We don't even know anything? Is this just an excuse so you can still kill us?" Barley exclaimed with such bravery that he surprised even himself.

"It's none of your business, slave," Welkisberk spat. "Yet. You are both dismissed."

In their room, both Butchers breathed sighs of relief.

I admire your friend's tenacity. He's braved the world's worst dangers to help you both.

 Let's just hope he gets here soon," Charley said.

The Butcher Gang: The Legend of the Ethereal StonesWhere stories live. Discover now