"Very funny," Carson drawled, as my eyes wondered over the stiff frame of Mr. K, as I shall call him because I surely don't even want to attempt to pronounce his name. He was wearing dark glasses, and I was starting to draw conclusions. When he asked if both of us were males, then I knew that my assumption was correct. "Are you fucking—oh." He cleared his throat awkwardly, muttering an apology.

"So you two are in need of a room?" Mr. K states before picking up the corded phone on his desk, "Yeah, come down. I need you to look at the room openings for me." He then rubs his eyes after hanging up the phone, seemingly exhausted.

     "What happened with you two?"

     Carson and I shared a look—a look that we never meant to share. His grey eyes showed the pain he felt due to the death of his roommate, and mine showed the fear I was feeling due to the sudden death of my roommate. Ni wasn't as much of a good girl like her teachers or her parents thought she was, but she didn't get into actual trouble. She explored like the rest of us idiots: drugs, sex, alcohol, sex, sex...

     But she never did anything illegal, nor did she get into trouble with some underground mafia people. At least, I didn't think she did.

     Carson opened his mouth to respond, but the heavy door to Mr. K's office was pushed open, and a timid woman poked her head inside, her eyes finding Carson's first, and her cheeks flushing when her eyes casted downward. He rolled his eyes before giving me a harsh glare. I couldn't help but giggle to myself, but I felt the heat crawling up my neck. I was the cause of that.

"You wanted me to look at room openings, Mr. Kolodziejski?" She stepped into the room when he nodded his head, her sweet little voice bringing a smile to his face. She blushed again while I arched a brow. Mr. K isn't all that old. If I had to give a guess, I would say he's in his late thirties, and this lady is definitely past her roaring twenties, so I could understand her attraction toward him. I mean, the man was blind, but he was good looking for his age.

"Yeah," he nodded, using his arms to push himself back from his desk, his rolling chair moving him backwards smoothly as the lady stepped in front of him, bending over slightly so that she could look at his computer clearly.

Carson snorted, drawing her attention. "From what I'm seeing," she ignores him after finding the knowing look he was giving her. "You two have two options." She scrolls, the semi-annoying, semi-satisfying sound of the button rolling filling the air.

"And those options would be?"

"If you shut up, she'd tell us, Carson." I glance at him from the corner of my eye, shooting him a dirty look, "Not everyone wants to hear your voice."

"Yeah because the sound of my voice doesn't make your pussy wet—"


"Mr. Speros!" The lady chastised as soon as his name left my mouth. He shrugged, telling us that he said what he said. I roll my eyes. "As I was saying," she cleared her throat, "You two would have to share a dorm room—"

     "No," I interjected, pushing myself out of the chair, and beginning to leave as Carson told me to 'sit the hell down'. "Hell no. H. E. Double hockey sticks. No."

     "We fucking heard you the first time, Carter. Sit the fuck down." He grumbled, and the lady repeated what he said calmly, without the cursing.

     Begrudgingly, I took a seat, bumping Carson's arm with my elbow. He then looked at the lady with an annoyed expression, his grey eyes not impressed, "I'm not staying with her."

     "There has to be another way—besides, isn't there a rule about opposite sex rooming?" I question, to which she immediately dismissed as if I hadn't asked it at all. This school doesn't seem to have any rules anymore with every day that goes by. First, we allow homicides to be swept under the rug, and now I can room with a horny man.

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