Nice To Meet You, Echo

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Today, like many other days, you decided to go hunting

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Today, like many other days, you decided to go hunting. Food was something that Arkadia was always running low on. Usually, all you could catch was a rabbit, but today you found tracks of a deer. Since you've never seen a deer in the area, you decided to follow it. Never paying too much attention to what's happening in Arkadia or outside of it, you knew to be wary of grounders, but only carried a weapon to hunt. You weren't one for war and didn't have any particular skills, so most of the camp saw you as useless. You didn't care much, always being an outsider was sort of your thing. A thing that you weren't trying to change.

After wandering around the woods for about an hour, a beautiful yet dangerous experience, you heard some branches break right behind the trees to your right. At the same time you felt ecstatic and scared. You finally tracked down that damn deer but you could barely kill a rabbit, what if that deer jumps you? Fortunately (or so you thought), it was a girl. You didn't recognize her, by that and the paint on her face you immediately knew - she was a grounder. Unlike the deer, this particular grounder didn't scare you much. The blood on her face kind of did. She had a concerned look and so you assumed she was worried. Before you could get a word out, the mysterious girl spoke:

- Who are you? What are you doing here? How many of you are out here?

It took you a second to answer, you were used to spending time chasing animals that didn't talk.

- Y/N. And you are?

You only answered the first question, partly because you didn't feel threatened and partly because you forgot the other ones.

- So you're Skaikru. Why are you here?

Apparently, she also didn't feel the need to answer your questions.

- I guess. I'm hunting, I tracked a deer for an hour, but I think I lost it. Must suck for the deer, missed a chance on trampling me.

You talked too much. You gave away the fact that you're a weakling within the first minute of the conversation. Although you didn't mention how fast you run, in case you need to flee.

- Oh. You need to get out of these woods. This isn't your territory.

- I would, I really would, but as bad as I am with hunting, I'm even worse with directions. I don't even know which direction I came from.

An honest and probably one of the most stupid answers you could've given. Yes, you were actually lost. You've already established the fact that you're hunting, hence that you're alone. Trusting the fact that she wasn't just going to kill you then and there was a bold move. What you also didn't know, was that mere minutes ago, the mysterious grounder killed one of your crew's favorites, Octavia Blake. She must've felt remorse, because she decided to help you, but you didn't know any of that at the time.

- I'll lead you half of the way. From there on, you're on your own.

Either you're going crazy, or the girl with paint on her face likes you. At least enough to not kill you immediately. You gladly accepted her offer.

- Works for me. You're not gonna kill me when we reach the half point, right? Cause I'd rather you just do it now. You know, so I don't have to walk to my death.

Unfortunately, the humor went right over her head. It's like she had other things on her mind. All she did was scoff. You tried not taking it personally since she was basically your savior, but humor was the only thing you could do. Evidently, poorly.

- Follow me.

Not only was she stronger than you, she walked really fast. You had a feeling she was showing off or running from something. Either way, you weren't gonna ask, seems she's not too fond of talking to you. After basically running for 15 minutes, she abruptly stopped.

- This is it. You go that way.

That's when she pointed to the left and seemingly disappeared. Granted, your eyes were set on a rabbit passing by, but you still though she was impressively fast.

- My name's Echo, by the way. Echo kom Azgeda.

You heard a voice behind you say. Before you could turn around, she was gone. That didn't stop you from answering though.

- Nice to meet you, Echo.

The next logical move would've been to turn back around and go to the left. Only you fixated on a rabbit in front of you and started tracking it. 5 minutes into your new hunt, you realized what you have done. Instead of trying to retrace your steps, you continued following the rabbit. It's not like you had much to lose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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