The Reveal • P ~ P

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It wasn't even the not showing up to school that bothered you, what bothered you, was that your boyfriend had ignored you for the past god knows how long.

You'd give him a thousand calls, just to receive one message back every now and then, and that's what upset you.

"Peter?" You spoke through the phone, not realising if you were sent to voicemail or not.

"Y/N hey." Peter sounded chirpy through the phone.

"Are you still up for the movies tonight?" You asked excitedly and he let out a sigh, instantly putting a frown on your face.

"Look Y/N I'm really sorry, but I'm so busy tonight. I completely forgot." He told you.

"Oh no it's fine, you totally haven't ditched me the past eight times, you know what? Forget it. I feel like I'm only here when you need a shoulder to cry on, I never see you anymore and I feel more like an acquaintance then your girlfriend. So do me a favour, and have so much fun with whatever you're doing cause, I-i don't want to be left hanging all the time." He was ready to say something, but you hung the phone up.

"Fuck." You whispered under your breath, feeling really upset. You just decided to go home, not wanting anymore hassle.

"Honey? Is that you?" Your grandmother called through.

"Yeah it's me." You smiled, giving her a hug before rushing to your room. You put your earphones in and sat on your windowsill.

"Y/N, is Peter coming over tonight? I'll leave leftovers for you guys." She smiled and you took an earphone out.

"Afraid not grandma, he's too busy." You sighed, and she shot you a sympathetic look.

"Okay sweetheart." She smiled half heartedly before exiting your room again. Peter has messaged you a lot, but now you were the one ignoring him. A stray tear fell down your face, as you realised, your boyfriend was slowly losing interest in you.

A bash against the window knocked you out of your thoughts and you gasped, realising it was the city's superhero, Spider-Man.

"What the fuck!" You almost screeched. You slowly opened the window without caring, and your hand was grabbed.

"So today's marks my death, great." You felt like saying but it came out more like.

"Please don't kidnap me." You whined. Suddenly, webs transferred you onto the highest rooftop by your apartment building.

"I would never kidnap you." The voice sounded all too familiar. The figure of whoever this 'superhero' was, looked exactly like Peters but you couldn't point fingers.

"You kinda just did." You chuckled.

"I'm not sure your girlfriend would be impressed." You smirked, taking a seat.

"Actually, that's why I'm here." Spider-Man pulled back his mask, and Peters face was revealed. You had a feeling it was him for no reason, but now it was confirmed, it freaked you out.

"You're fucking with me right now." Your jaw was dropped.

"Look I know it's a lot to take in..." He began but you immediately cut him off.

"You ditched me multiple times, shut me out, ignored me, and now you're Spider-Man?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Babe look..." You cut him off again.

"It's actually quite cool." You shrugged your shoulders.

"Wait...You're not bothered?" Peter asked, sitting down beside you.

"I'm beyond pissed at you, but, you're saving the city Peter, and as long as you're safe, than that's all that matters." You smiled and it didn't take him two seconds before his lips were attached to yours.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I just didn't know how too. I shouldn't have ignored you, or ditched you or shut you out, so I'm sorry for that too." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I forgive you, but you can trust me. However, after this shenanigan, you owe me a pizza night." You chuckled.

"Anything for you."

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