Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: This Again


"Who is she?"

"Where did you meet her?"

"Why didn't you bring her here?"

"Is she hot?"

"What's her name?"

"One question at a time. Finn and Marcel to answer your questions, her name is Bella. Sage, I met her across the street at her new house. Bekah, I didn't bring her over because her and her father are grocery shopping. I'm not going to answer your question Kol as that is none of your business."

"One more question from me," Marcel says. "Who let her move this close to the compound without consulting you or anyone for that matter?"


I call Hayley as soon as I get back to the house and she says that she and Hope would be here soon. She asks if I mind Nik tagging along as well and I tell her that I wouldn't mind at all. My dad says he'll go set up one of the guest rooms for the night so he can get some rest. The furniture I ordered would be here tomorrow, but my dad wouldn't be staying as he got a call asking him to come back to work. He told them it would take a few days since he drove. I tell him I will get him up when dinner is ready. I hear a knock on the door and I wonder why they didn't come in since I am expecting them.

"Hey, come on in," I say, opening the door for the three of them.

"Thanks for having us back," Hayley says.

"Thank you, for allowing me to accompany Hayley and Hope," Nik says with a smile.

"No problem. I haven't eaten yet, so I hope you don't mind me making something to eat," I tell them.

"We haven't eaten yet either. We should do that soon," Hayley says.

"Perfect, the three of you can join me and my dad for dinner," I state with a smile.

Hayley sits Hope down on the couch and hands her a tablet. Nik sits next to her and starts to help her. Hayley asks if I would like help making dinner and I say sure leading her to the kitchen. She gasps telling me I have a huge kitchen. I laugh and tell her that it's part of the reason I like this house so much.

"So, Bella, where did you move from?" She asks, looking at me.

"I moved from Forks, Washington. It's a really small, rainy, town." I smile sadly.

"Wow, what made you move here?" 

"I wanted a different place. One where no one knew me or anything about me. The one thing I hate about Forks is everyone thought they knew me before I even moved there," I say.

"I can totally understand that. What does your dad do?"

"He's the Chief of Police in Forks. He took a week off to be here with me, but they called him back so he's leaving tomorrow."

"Why won't he be staying here?"

    "He doesn't want to leave which I get since he's lived there his whole life. I'm eighteen now and although I'm finishing up my last year he still considers me his baby," I say.

"Wow. So do you have a boyfriend back home?" She asks.

"Nope," I answer her honestly.

I hear Nik ask if he could get a glass of water. I smile and get a glass down for the water. I see the bourbon my dad bought and pour him a little bit in the glass. I take it to him and he thanks me.

    "Got any siblings?" Hayley asks, when I come back in the kitchen.

"Unfortunately, no, I don't have any siblings. I'm an only child."

She nods and we go back to making dinner silently. Hope comes running in and asks if she could get some milk. I get her a smaller cup and get her some milk and a straw. I hand it to her and she smiles before running back into the living room.

"Wow, you're really good with kids," Hayley says.

"Yeah, people keep telling me that," I say, with a laugh.

"You are, and Hope has never acted like this with someone she's just met. You seem to bring out the best in her," Hayley says, with a laugh.

"Momma, daddy won't let me have the tablet," Hope says from the living room.

"Nik, seriously she's five let her have it back." Hayley goes in there.

I shake my head and laugh to myself. My dad comes down the back stairs that come into the kitchen with a box. I smile up at him and he says that the box is for me.

"Who is it from?"

"It was your Gran's," he says.

"Why would Gran's box be in the house?"

"I found a bunch of her things in the guest room. The box is labeled to you though," he tells me.

I put the knife down and give him an 'are you kidding me' look. He hands me the letter and says he'll be back down. I ask if he needs help moving the things into my room. He says that he could use it.

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