Coming Out

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I always knew it wasn't easy. Every single person has the fear of being unaccepted when they come out. I just know my mother and the chances of being accepting are very slim.

But I know that I have to come out. Emma says it's alright if I stay in the closet and she'll wait for me, but it isn't right. I notice when she tries to grab my hand in public and says she loves me when we go out. I always pull away or ignore her, fearing someone might question us or shame us. She doesn't deserve that.

I then thought breaking up with her would be best. She could be with someone that isn't afraid to be dating her publicly. But that made it even worse. Emma started skipping school and got super depressed. I quickly got back together with her.

I now decide that I must come out entirely. This is how I can prove my love for Emma. I haven't told Emma yet, but I can't wait to see how she responds.

I turn on my phone onto the camera app, setting it on a tripod. I sit on my bed and press record.

"Hey guys, it's me, Alyssa. I know this is weird. I never post videos" I laugh, suddenly I am at a loss of words "I uh, am at a point in my life where I need to tell all my loved ones about every aspect of my life. So hi, I'm Alyssa Greene. I love the color purple and getting nails done. I'm super girly, I'll admit. I do cheerleading and spend all day every day in mini skirts. But there's something else"

I pause, I can feel tears starting to slowly roll down my cheeks "my mom always told me that one day I'll find my prince charming that will treat me like a princess. But Momma-" my voice breaks "I don't want a prince. I found a princess charming that treats me like a princess. My princess cares and spends every spare moment of her life to make mine better. She is the best part of my life and I never wanna get rid of that"

I grab tissues from my nightstand and dab my eyes "her name is Emma. So hey baby, this is all for you. I adore you so much" I giggle thinking about her "so I'm gay! I like girls! And yeah, I was scared of telling everyone, but my love for Emma doesn't deserve to hide. I love her and have the right to do so" many more tears roll down my cheeks "thanks for listening. And please, love each other, don't hate. Bye guys"

I turn the recording off and sit in silence for a few minutes. My mind starts imagining what my life could turn into. Kaylee and Shelby could kick me out of my friend group. Nick and his friends could start bullying me the way he hurts Emma. But if Emma goes through all that pain, then so can I. Just that moment I get a phone call from Emma.

"Alyssa oh my God I love you so much"

I giggle, I wasn't expecting that but it makes me suddenly feel so bubbly and happy inside "why do you love me so much?"

I hear her sniff, as if she was crying "your video. It's my favorite video I've ever watched. Baby you're so strong, I'm so proud of you"

"Wait what?" I suddenly minimize the call to open my Instagram and Facebook. There is my video. "Oh shit oh fuck, I didn't mean to post it yet"

"What is it babe?" I can hear the worry in her voice, but I have to hang up to figure out how to deal with this. Kaylee has the video posted on her Snapchat with laughing and devil emojis. The comment section is full of Shelby and my friend group calling me fag and other names. Then on Facebook my family is commenting how they'll never come for Christmas as long as they have a gay niece or granddaughter.

I throw my phone across the room, as I hear a knock on my bedroom door. Sure enough my mother walks in. I suddenly am preparing myself to be called fag, or to be sent to Christian School, disowned, or beat up. I turn away and lay down, more tears stream down my face.

I'm surprised to see that she has a concerned look on her face rather than an angry look. She sits at the foot of my bed. What she says next surprises me even more.

"I always had a feeling that you weren't the perfect straight girl I tried to force you to be. I just wanted you to fit in and not be picked on the way I was when I was your age" i sit up, my mother and I never have conversations like the one we're having.

"I was made fun of for being such a nerd in high school, so that's why I put you in cheerleading. But I still wanted you to be successful in life so that's why I press for you to be in clubs at school while having all A's. But after watching that video, I'm telling you right here and now that you're my daughter, so I'm going to do my best to give you the most loving life, rather than perfect life"

I'm shocked, never in a million years would my mother be this calm and accepting of something as huge as my sexuality. "But do you hate me for being gay?"

She takes a hold of my hands "oh sweetheart no. I love you so so much. I'm proud of you for figuring out such a big part of yourself. And the video just helped me realize that I can't protect you from the hateful outside world forever, but as long as my legs work and have a voice I'm gonna do my damn best to do so Alyssa" I can see tears roll down my mother's cheeks.

I wrap her into a hug. I'm so grateful for my one ally.

Suddenly I hear rustling from my window. My mom jumps up, startled by the noice. I approach the window, scared for my life. Nervously, I lift the curtain. There before me is my beautiful girlfriend with tear stained cheeks and dirt all over her face and clothes. I open the window and she falls onto the floor.

"I'll give you two some privacy" my mom waves at Emma before leaving my room.

"Emma what the fuck was that? Why didn't you just call me?"

She stands up, shaking dirt off of her pants and shirt "I did, you hung up on me and then didn't answer when I called the thirty other times. I was worried about your safety so I ran over here. No one answered the door when I knocked so my last resort was the window"

I smile, wrapping my arms around her neck "my hero" I pull her into a kiss. I feel her hands on my waist as she pulls me closer to her.

We release from the kiss but hold each other, and stare into each other's eyes "so you're alright? Safe? Good place mentally?" I nod in response.

"How did your mom react?" Emma sits down on my bed.

I sit beside her, placing my hand on her thigh "really really well. I was shocked. I'm not being sent to any therapy and private school or anything"

Emma is silent for some reason. I try to think why. Suddenly I remembered. She was put in conversion therapy when she came out, when she was 12. I wrap my arms around her "baby I'm so sorry, I forgot"

"Oh it's fine, are you sure you're alright? Kaylee and Shelby seemed so ruthless with their comments and reposting. I would've been so broken if my best friends turned on me when I came out"

"I guess I just don't have a friend group anymore. I just have you and my mom. And that's enough love and support right there"

Emma smiles "okay, now let me cuddle you" I giggle and nod I response. I lay down on the bed and Emma does the same, she wraps her arms and legs around me, attempting to be the big spoon but ending up just being a koala.

"I love my koala girlfriend"

Her chin rests on my shoulder "and I love my tall little spoon girlfriend"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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