"D-Daniel! it hurts!" 

"I know baby, she's almost out.." 

the maid made sure the cloth stayed onto Joey's forehead, Joey eyes opening and closing, until.. Joey screamed pushing.. he kept pushing and screaming. Daniel held his hand and kissed his hand.

Then Joey screamed again doing his last push.. then a baby cry filled the whole room, Joey was heavy breathing as Daniel was in tears as the maid picked the baby up, Daniel cut the cord, the maid smiled looking at the small precious baby.

"Oh.. she's so beautiful." 

"Joey, we had a baby! she's so gorgeous." Daniel said sniffling with tears, he was so happy to meet his baby girl. Joey was crying as Daniel held her as Joey watched with his tears down his cheeks.

Then Daniel handed Joey the baby as Joey looked at her with tears, Joey was smiling weakly.

"Oh baby girl, I will give you all my love, all my heart. Trust me, you'll be happy..Mia." 

Then the lights flicker, the maid didn't feel comfortable down here, Daniel picked Joey up, as they went upstairs, but the maid followed shutting the basement's flickering lights off. As they got out the maid shut the door taking a small breath. 

 "We need to clean her, she needs to breath." Joey muttered going to the kitchen starting to clean her as the baby cried, Daniel rubbed Joey's back. Joey felt the baby's little hand on his chest as Joey cried in happy tears, Daniel kissed Joey's neck as Joey smiled a little bit. 

3 AM

 Mia was in her crib, her room was beautiful, in pink, it had butterflies on the walls and a beautiful dresser with a small mirror. Joey decorated it with Daniel's help.. Mia was asleep, so was Daniel but Joey woke up from a nightmare, Joey looked around as the window blows air out as Joey gets up closing the window.. Joey's night gown had flowers and beautiful designs on it making it beautiful down. 

 Joey went out the room looking both directions, he went down the hall checking on Mia as Joey went to her crib and kissed her head. Mia eye's opened a little bit seeing her father kissing her head. 

 "Shh.. go back to sleep." 

Mia looked in his eyes and grabbed his cheek a little as Joey smiled. Joey started to hum to Mia to go back to sleep as her eyes closed as her little giggle faded away, Joey smiled kissing her forehead and walk out closing the door, then a bang happened in the basement. Joey looked in fear as Joey grabbed a candle from the small wooden table from the side of the hallway and grabbed a knife. 

 Joey went downstairs as the creaking stairs made a lot of noises, Joey was shaking as his hands shake in fear.

"Elizabeth?" Joey said calling for the maid, but he saw the maid on the couch resting, Joey blinked and starting to shake his head, is he dreaming, is he? having a nightmare? he kept thinking to himself. Joey went to the basement door holding a candle, as Joey looked in fear as Joey opened it. Joey went down as the lights turned on, as then Joey seen a ritual markings on the ground with candles around it, Joey looked in fear, he never seen this here before, Joey began taking a step back as he turned around.. 

 a scream echoed the room, as the ritual people pin him down on the ritual markings. They lay him on the  star in the middle, Joey screamed out as they held him down as Joey was in tears.

Daniel woke up hearing Joey's screams as Daniel ran downstairs as the maid trying to open the basement door but won't open... until a last scream came from Joey, everything became quiet, the basement door opened by it's self..

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