You:I Love you to Greyson*Hugs Greyson*

Greyson:This Bracelet is a sign of m love for you,even if they dont like me,we can be friends.

You:*SMIle**Hugs Greyson*Thanks Grey,For Everything.

Greyson:I will do anything just to make my Princess happy*Hugs you back*

You:*Look at your wristwatch*Oh its 9:25,lets go.


In The Arrival

You:Their still not here.

Greyson:Relax they are just landing right now.

You:How can you know that.

Greyson:Its just 9:32.

You:Oh okay,Lets just sit and wait here.


After Ten Minutes you saw your parents.


Your Mom:Honey there's (YN),Hi sweetie

You:Hi mom*Hugs Mom*I miss you mom

Your mom:I miss you too


Your Dad:There is my little girl,how are you baby.

You:Fine daddy I miss you

Your dad:I miss you too,who's your friend

You:Uhmm Mom,Dad?This Is Greyson he is my Boyfriend

Your Mom:*Is About to cry*Oh Sweetie our little girl is growing up.

You:Your Not mad mom?

Your mom:Ofcourse sweetie,what you want is what you want because the thing you chose will be the one who cause your happiness so we will let you.

You:*Hugs Mom*Thanks MOm

Your Dad:What's your name again lad'?

Greyson:Greyson Sir.

Your Dad:Please call me Uncle.

Greyson:Yes Uncle.

Your Mom:And Call me Auntie

Greyson:Yes Auntie

Your Mom:Well,Welcome to the family.

Greyson:Thank you auntie

Your Dad:Well come on let's go home.

Greyson:Uhmm Uncle,Can I Invite you today to have dinner with us at our house?

Your Dad:That would be great,Thank you Greyson

Greyson:Your Welcome Uncle.

While walking at the parking lot you and greyson are at the backvwhile walking

Greyson:I told you never think negatives

You:Okay your right and thank you*Kiss Greyson on the cheek*

Greyson:*Blushing*Your welcome

At Greyson's House

Aunt Lisa:Hello

YOur Mom:Oh hello

Greyson:Auntie meet my Mom.

Your mom:hello Im (Your Mother's name) Im (YN) mom

Aunt Lisa:Im Lisa Greyson's mom,welcome to our home.

Your mom:Thank you,Oh this (Your Father's name) My Husband

Aunt Lisa:Oh Nice to meet you (Your father's name)

Your Dad:Nice to meet you.

Aunt Lisa:Come in,come in I prepare dishes for you.

Your Mom:Oh thank you

Aunt Lisa:Oh (Your Mom's name) this is my husband Scott

Uncle Scott:Oh nice to meet you

Your Mom:Nice to meet you too.

Aunt Lisa:Greyson's brother and sister are always out of town so they could not join us.

Your Mom:Oh so sad but when will they be here?

Aunt Lisa:Their always here every weekends,they always come home midnight.

Your Mom:Great I just want you to invite to go to the beach

Aunt Lisa:Oh really when?

Your Mom:Tommorow

Aunt Lisa:Are you sure its okay?

Your Mom:YEah we are going to the beach celebrating Greyson and (YN).

Aunt Lisa:Oh okay we will go,I can pack the snacks.

Your Mom:Okay,I'll be packing the thing we need.So okay?

Aunt Lisa:Okay,Let's eat

While Eating your parents and greyson's parent talk and they get to know each other.

Your Mom:Oh I think we need to go

Aunt Lisa:Oh okay,Greyson,Take them home

Greyson:Yes Mom.

Outside Greyson's house

Your Mom:Its nice meeting you Lisa,you too Scott.

Aunt Lisa:You too.

Your Mom:See you tommorow,then.

Aunt Lisa:Okay

Your Mom:Bye

At your House

Your Mom:Thank you Greyson.

Greyson:Your welcome auntie

Your Mom:I told your mom if we all could go to a beach she agree please say to her We will pick them up tommorow 10 am

Greyson:Okay auntie

Your Mom and Dad Go inside

You:Thank you Grey.For Everything*Kiss Greyson on the cheek*Good Night

Greyson:GoodNight,see you tommorow


You go inside and Greyson drives home.

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