S2 Ep 7: Sleeping with the Enemy

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Jenni hangs up with Tom and heads back to her room. Angelina made sure Jenni was out of sight before saying, "Oh, my god. I heard her; Jenni, saying to whoever she was talking to on the phone with "Oh, my god, Pauly's drunk." I'm like, "What?"" Vinny walked into the living stating, "I was standing right here, dude. Listen to me. She was explaining to him what happened." "Yeah, exactly!" Ronnie exclaimed. Vinny continued, "She wasn't talking s**t."

{Vinny: Angelina's doing her usual, talking behind people's back, trying to instigate drama.}

Vinny heads back to Jenni grabbing his plate on the way. He states, "This b***h Angelina was telling Ronnie and Sammi that you were talking s**t about Pauly 'cause he's drunk. I'm like, "She's telling Tom what happened."" Jenni furrowed her eyebrows before asking, "Angelina said that?" "Yeah." Jenni threw her shirt on her bed before heading up to Angelina by the couch. She asked, "Angelina, what were saying about me talking s**t about Pauly?" "Who gives a f**k?!" Sammi exclaimed. Jenni barked, "What do you mean, "Who gives a f**k?!"" "I don't give a f**!" Sammi barked back. Jenni looked around confused before shouting, "So then why are you even in this conversation right now?!" "Don't look at me honey. Don't."

{Vinny: Unfortunately, Jenni and Sammi have had history and a lot of turmoil boiling up.}

Sammi sneered, "I don't like you--" "Why don't you like me? 'Cause I can to you as a women about and told you about your man." "That's the thing. Who wrote the note? You two." Sammi sneered point between Jen and Nicole. Jenni fumed, "For someone who begged, begged, begged to like, all the girls in the house-- "If you know something, tell me. If you know something, tell me. If you know something, tell me."" "Funny how people become p***ies all of a sudden!"

{Ronnie: It's like putting firecrackers in a dumpster. One match and poof.}

Jwoww roared, "I'm in your f**kin' face right now!" "I'm in your f**kin face too!" Sammi barked before Jwoww pushed Sam's head. Nicole, and Angelina tried to pull them apart shouting, "Stop!" Sam immediately went to slap Jenni when Jwoww grabs Sam's hair pulling her to the ground. Sammi went to stand, but Jwoww pushed her back on the ground before Nicole pushed her into the corner. Angelina went to help Sam up as Ronnie went to get in between the girls. Sammi got up pulling her dress down before lunging at Jenni getting her in the face. Jwoww pulled Sammi's hair down socking her in the face a few times before Sammi grabbed onto Jen's hair trying not to fall. Ronnie went between the two girls having them struggle falling to the ground. Vinny steps in trying to pull Sammi off while Ronnie holds Jenni back as she tries to sock Sam over him. Ron pulls Jwoww's hands down as Violette rushes in and tries to get Jenni's hair out of Sammi's grip whileSam tried to get some more punches in. The two guys finally got the girls apart as Sammi sneered, "F**k with me again. I won't f**k around." Jenni smirked as she grabbed a water bottle chucking it at Sammi missing by an inch. Ronnie puts his hand up saying, "Come on. Stop." "Ronnie, come take her." Vinny says still holding Sam. Ron turned to him fumed, "Vinny, shut the f**k up! You know what, you started it, bro." Ronnie starts pushing him as he continued, "And you know it." Vinny tried to stop him as Ron wrestled him before shoving him on the couch. Mike stepped in between the two exclaiming, "Woah, woah, woah." "'Cause you f**kin' started it, bro!" Ronnie barked. Vinny started, "Angelina started it--" "You should have f**kin' kept your mouth shut!" Ronnie shouted trying to get past Mike as Vinny went to step forward, "I was talking about Angelina, bro!"

{Vinny: I never in a middle years thought that Sammi would step in. That's why I did what I did. Angelina is a shady b***h and needs to get confronted about it.}

"I was talking about Angelina!" Vinny exclaimed points at her. Angelina shouted, "Oh yeah, It's always me in this house, right? I talk s**t about everyone in this f**kin' house." "Angelina, it is you!" Violette snapped before Angelina questioned, "It's me?" "It is. You're playing both sides right now--" Vi fumes as Angelina interrupts, "I'm playing both sides? No, I'm not. I'm friends with everybody in this house." "And you agreed. Agreed!" Nicole hissed. Angelina ignored her turning to Sam saying, "I'm playing both sides right now. That's what I'm-- What'd I agree too?" "Agree to what?!" Sammi shouted. Angelina asked again, "What'd I agree too?" "What, lunch did we take?" Nicole asked as Angelina responded, "I agreed to the note?" "Oh, but you didn't write the note? You all can suck it." Sammi sneered fixing one of her eyelashes. Nicole snapped, "She wrote it too! She was there and she f**kin' wrote it." "You guys are p***ies and you can't f**kin' tell me. F**k you, Nicole! F**K you and your f**kin' sidekicks!"

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