Mr. Clean x Reader (male) Fanfiction

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 It was so stupid. Of course, it would be like any other party. You go there, get drunk, hit up some girls, smoke some weed, and pass out on the floor. It was the fifth time, the fifth fucking time Jason was throwing a massive party this year. Every single time, the party gets way out of hand: Jason's house is completely destroyed by the end of it, the neighbors complain about the noise to the local police department, and of course, drugs. I, of course have never taken any drugs and do not plan to, but there have been several instances where I have been offered drugs and nearly been pressured into taking them. All of those instances of course, at Jason's parties. I have no clue why I even get invited to those parties. I'm not considered "popular" at the local high school, Gaither High, and I definitely don't hang out with anyone "popular". I guess one of my friends, Delaney, is close to one of the main, dare I say, sluts of the school. The slut, is most likely friends with Jason, and so she invited Delaney, who then invites me to go along with her every single time to these damn parties. Rumor has it that Jason has something big planned for this upcoming party, which makes me shiver.

A soft buzz awakened my thoughts, and I drifted my gaze over to a brightly illuminated phone on my desk. I squinted my eyes, and was able to make out the message.

"Hey! Coming in a few to pick you up, you ready for the party?"

I groaned. Shifting over to my side, I gazed out of my bedroom window, my body sprawled out on the creamy comforter on my bed. My fingers felt their way over to my belt, loosening it slightly as it was digging into my hip. I closed my eyes tightly: did I hear a knock on the front door? Or was that a trick of my mind?

A rap on the door downstairs confirmed my thoughts. Great. I slowly melted off of my bed, stretching my back and pulling my jeans down over my ankles. Shooting a glance at myself in the mirror,
I raised my eyebrows, hoping I looked decent enough for a party. Well, I guess I'll have to deal with this yet again.


"Ah! I'm so excited, aren't you?" Delaney fluttered, her fingers buzzing with enthusiasm on the steering wheel. I turned my head towards the window, rolling my eyes so she couldn't see me. It was difficult to look at her anyways, with her excessive amount of makeup and very revealing clothing. I guess that's just what you wear to a high school party full of popular people. My outfit was merely just a sweatshirt and jeans, a comfortable yet classic look. I had no intentions of impressing anyone, hell I couldn't care less if I stayed single for the rest of my life. Delaney's love interest was the oh so popular Jason, and the way she flirted with him at the past few parties made me sick to even think about.

"Oh come on, I need you here with me. I can't go to this party alone"

I snorted out of laughter.

"Yeah right, you always leave me hanging at each of these damn parties to go take your panties off when you have a few seconds alone with Jas-"

I was silenced with a poisonous glare. Delaney's eyebrows were stiff with anger, her gaze now focused on the road. I rolled my eyes again. Girls, man.

It was almost like no time had passed before we had arrived at Jason's place. Nearly as big as a small mansion, Jason's three story house was quite the spectacle of the neighborhood. The neighboring houses were obviously big and expensive, as he did live in a rich neighborhood, but Jason's house was by far the most elegant and extraordinary. Pillars of sheek marble held the glistening roof up, with walls of milky crystal holding the settlement together. The courtyard was a shade of green, patterns of hedges grazing all over, giving it an authentic kingdom look. Fountains spitting out the clearest shade of water were placed symmetrically throughout the yard, shiny and graceful. It was jaw-dropping every time he came to the place, and it was astonishing how much money someone could have to obtain such a house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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Mr. Clean x Reader (male) Fanfiction *SMUT WARNING* *NSFW*Where stories live. Discover now