「Chapter 11」Walking and Talking

Começar do início

Sal laughs a bit at my flustered self. He lifts his hand up to put a lock of hair behind my ear before realizing what he's just done and getting flustered himself. My face heats up and he quickly shoves his hands in his pockets.

We walk in silence for a bit before he speaks up.

"We're your first friends?" Sal asks.
"Yeah. I was never quite popular at my old school," I wince at remembering the things my classmates would say to me and what impact they'd have over my mental health.

"But now I'm not alone, thanks to you all!" I smile wide, and Sal gives me a relieved sigh.
"I know how that feels," He starts, "I was bullied at my old school. That's how I got my nickname, 'Sally Face.' I used to be embarrassed by it, but I fucking claimed that name so no asshole could ever hurt me again."

"Wow. That's rad," I state with an amused look.
We continue talking about our past until our home life becomes the topic.

"My mom died when I was little. She was protecting me from...a dog. That dog was the one who messed up my face too. I don't quite remember most of it, it's really just a big blur now. It's alright though. I've gotten over it I guess," Sal said. I looked at him with concern, "Sal, I'm so sorry. That's horrible."
"N-No, don't apologize. I'm fine," He tried to reassure me, but I could tell that he'd never actually gotten over it. I mean, who could blame him? That's tragic shit.

"...That's why you don't like dogs?" I questioned, being as gentle as possible after hearing this information about his mother.
"Yeah. You remembered how I freaked a bit when I first met you? When you compared your cat to a dog, right?" He said as he let out a chuckle-sigh.
"Oh, yeah hah..." I replied.

A bit more silence passed by before he suddenly asked, "What about your parents?"
"My mom divorced my dad when I wasn't even walking. I've never seen him since," I replied, "All of my memories of him are blurred out, I can't recall anything about him."
"I'm sor-" I interrupted him, "Don't apologize! If I can't apologize for your parent troubles then don't apologize for mine, okay?" I smiled. He didn't seem convinced so I held his hand to make him stop worrying.

His ears had a bit of pink on them, and he spoke, "N-No, not knowing one of your parents is tough. I'm lucky to even have memories of mine."
I'm shocked from his response before I tell him, "Sal, no! What happened with you and your mom was terrible! My dad issues are nothing like your mom issues. It's a tragedy, Sal."

I give his hand a squeeze, not caring about what passerby's would think.
"I'm glad you told me," I comforted him, and he told me the same thing back.
"There's no secrets between us, okay?" I ask for his approval and he nods, sniffling a bit.

"We're here," He says.
"Yeah..." I say sadly. Now we have to part.
I pout, "Mannn I loved talking to you too..."
"Haha, you're cute when you pout, you know that?" He says smoothly and tells me goodbye before leaving.
I wave as he walks away as my blush grows and I become a bright red mess.

I quickly run to my apartment and lock the door. Grabbing a pillow, I shove it in my face before screaming into it.
"Did that idiot really say that?!?! He didn't even stutter!! Or hesitate!!!!" I scream as it's muffled by the pillow.

My cat comes up to me and meows. I pet her excitedly because of what just happened.
"I can't believe he just did that! Does this mean what I think it means? Ah, no way! Or maybe...?"

That night I kept wondering what his intention behind those words are.
'We're super flirty with each other now that I think about it...' I tell myself, 'All the skinship we do...aughh!!'
I shove my face into a pillow as the redness on my face refuses to leave.

'Goddamnit...I like him already. What am I gonna do??'

I didn't realize that a certain blue haired boy was thinking about me too that night.


'Shit shit shit shit!' Sal thought to himself as he sat in bed, clutching his pillow while sitting upright, 'Did I really just say that to them??'

"'Taking it slow' my ass," He mumbled aloud and sighed, pushing his face onto his pillow.


Oh jeez well hi!! It's been a while since I've updated oops,,,
Last time I updated I didn't realize what I would soon go through ;;
Marching band and highschool hit wayyy too quickly, so I'm so sorry I haven't been able to update!
Now that I'm basically on quarantine, I'm hoping to get more chapters out :)!

Blank Stare (Sally Face x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora