part 7

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a few days ago by and i'm at a booth selling tickets, i see jace and a few of joeys other friends waiting in line

"how many tickets?" i ask the lady in front of me

"20" she says and i nod, handing her 20 blue tickets, she walks away and jace now stands in front of me

"hey olivia" jace smiles

"hey jace, wheres joey?" i ask

he shrugs his shoulders and gives me 40 dollars, i give him a wrist band.

"he hasn't been answering my text" he then says and i look up at him

"i haven't talked to him in 2 days" i tell jace and his brows raise

"that's weird he always answers your text" he says and i instantly remember the other girl

should i be worried that he might be with her? i know he said he wouldn't ever talk to any other girl put me but my insecurities are getting to me

"don't worry about it though, it's been 3 years since his mom died. he's probably at her grave" he tells me and i frown

"i should probably check up on him don't you think?" i ask

jace looks away from me, "yea i guess"

"olivia you're on break now" my mom says and i stand from the chair

jace and joeys other friends leave, i look at my mom and sigh

"is it okay if i take your car to go home?" i ask my mom


"i'm not feeling so well" i lie

"okay" she hands me the keys to her car and i thank her. i start leaving the fair with my arms crossed till i reached my moms car

i got inside and turned on the car, i back out the parking lot and drive my way to the cemetery

i text him to let him know that i am coming to see him, he replied back with 'ok'

the cemetery wasn't far from where i was and got there in less than 20 minutes

i park the car and look around for joey and see a figure standing with his face down and a black hoodie over his head

i walk over to him slowly and put my hand on his back and he looks up at me, his eyes are red and his face is wet

"i miss her" he breaths

"i know baby" i squeeze his hand and he hugs me, his hug is tight and i hear him cry on my shoulder

"everything i love leaves me" he whispers

i pull out the hug and look into his eyes, "i'm here and i'm not leaving you"

he looks into my eyes as well, "yes you will, you'll move on from me"

"no i won't joey" i hold his face in my hands and he pulls away

"i've been hiding something from you"

"what?" i look at him, his bottom lip shakes and he wipes his tear, my heart starts racing

he shakes his head, "if i tell you, you will never talk to me again. i don't want to fucking lose you"

i hold his beautiful face in my hands, "i love you joey and i'm never going to leave you. i promise"

i wipe the tear that fell from his cheek, my heart is hurting for him, him and his mom were so close

"i'm here for you joey, always" i will never leave him, he means everything to me

he wraps his arms around me against and starts crying against my shoulder, i hold him tightly and rub his back

"you're okay" i whisper, his grip around me tightens

it starts drizzling and i don't have a jacket with me but it's okay, if joey wants to stay here a little longer then i will too

"why did you come?" he pulls out the hug

"i wanted to check up on you, we haven't talked in a few days" i tell him

his hand intertwines with mine and squeezes my hand gently, "i know i'm sorry. i just didn't want to make you worried"

"if you ever need me joey, i'm here for you and i'm not leaving you okay. stop being so sure that i am because i'm not" i day truthfully and tears start running down his face uncontrollably

"i am sure" he takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes, "i haven't told you this because i was scared that you would leave me. i don't even know if i want to tell you"

"it can't be that bad" i tuck a piece of his hair behind his ear

"it's bad olivia, it's really bad"

"you're scaring me now" i frown

what could he possibly be hiding from me that must be so bad? i mean it when i say i will never leave him. i love him so much that it would hurt me

"i-" he pauses and looks away from me

"you're what?" my breathing goes uneven

he closes his eyes for a few seconds and opens them again, "i'm dying olivia"

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