Chapter 1

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I was born on the Island of Faria a small desolate island ruled by a King and Queen that were known to be the fairest rulers in all the land, I was raised in the palace kitchens by the cook who was my mother and I felt first hand the wrath of King Harold- I have many words that I could use to describe this man none of them being 'fair' or very polite for that matter after all who better to feel the injustice of the King than his bastard darling daughter. Yes I am referring to myself, the Kings bastard is a name I endured every day.

I grew up best friends with the crown Princess; my half sister Aria and the betrothed southern Prince Alexander who was from the Kingdom of Ardavina. They were going to create world peace. They were going to unite two warring islands and change the world, at least that is what they were taught, that is what they were being shaped to be, that was until the King killed my mother and that same night just before I was to be executed for treason, the whole royal family were murdered, I escaped with barely my life. As for the betrothed Prince Alexander (the southern fellow may I remind you) he soon became King of his own Kingdom. King Alexander of Ardavina, it has a nice ring to it I must say.

I lived on the streets of Ardavina for a while after that and then I joined the pirates and never looked back; I slaughtered and beat and clawed, I bit, I fought, I crawled my way to the top. I became their queen.

Prince George of Ardavina. The younger brother of King Alexander, rules the Kings armies and has been hunting me for the longest of times. Perhaps it's because I once burned half their village alive, or it could be because I killed George's wife a lovely young Duchess it was a great pity that one seen my face, I was quite fond of her.

If only he hadn't took the only thing I care about from me just as I took his wife from him, clever little Georgie, I should have seen this one coming I admit he has got one up on me this time.

Silence ensues as I walk among my men, they all stop and eyes begin to follow my movement as I walk surely to the front of my beautiful ship, an eery silence takes over and my footsteps on the creaking floorboards along with the lapping waves of the sea are the only sounds to be heard.

I quickly swivel on my heels to assess my men as they all stand waiting apprehensively. Nobody makes eye contact which only riles my anger further.

"How could this happen!?" I growl staring around with steely eyes.

I am infuriated.

I begin to pace making them even more anxious. They know my rules. They know the consequences of failing me.

"I left for one day. One day. The only day in the year that my feet touch his land. My orders were simple" I growl growing angrier by the second as I glare around at the gruesome men "Merrick" I screech clenching my fists behind my back "What were my orders?"

"Um-er- well you see auror- I mean your majesty- we were just- I- please don't kill me!" He blurts out, his eyes almost bulging from their sockets

I scowl and step towards him just inches from his gruesome face, he has a large round face with a scruffy grey beard and a row of crooked black teeth with a scar running down the side of his left cheek, he rubs at the sparse amount of hair on his head anxiously as I glare down at him, the stench of alcohol hitting me immediately.

"Kill you?" My eyes wander over his face and I smile sweetly "Merrick old friend, I could never kill you" I reach up a hand and skim his round face lightly feeling repulsed by the action myself

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