Run Away

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Final Warning: This story might contain some sensitive topics, so just beware :)

~Ben's POV~
"I don't get why you defend him Lucy! He's just a stupid pest!" I heard my father's voice fading away as I held my hand on the wound on my forehead. The wound was caused precisely 5 minutes ago when my father smashed a beer bottle against my head. It hurt like hell but it was becoming a normal feeling for me.

I let my eyes close, and before I knew I couldn't even hear my parents arguing anymore. It was quiet and calm.

~10 minutes later~

My eyes snapped open. I was laying in my bed, yelling could be heard downstairs. I sat up in a panic, but I was stopped by an immense pain in my head. I bit down hard on my lip and slowly got up from my bed.

"I can't take this anymore!" I said to myself as I clutched my head. I knew I needed to run away, but how? I mean, I was only 10. I didn't have any close family or friends. Hell, the only "friends" I had were either in the video games I played or in my head.

I packed my bags, which contained nothing but one change of clothes and my LOZ: Majora's Mask game cartridge. Sad, I know. I was too young to understand the concept of actually starving to death. I was a dumb kid, don't judge me.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed to my bedroom window. It was pouring down rain, but that didn't stop me.

I unlatched the window and opened it before looking back to make certain nobody was coming.

I figured that my parents arguing was enough to distract them from my escape. I hopped out of my window and out onto the slanted roof. Now that I think about it, it was way too easy to escape.

I slid down the roof to the edge of my house. I looked back at my open window for the last time. "Goodbye Mom." I whispered, though it was barely audible through the rain.

"BEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE?!" The sound of my beloved mother's voice pierced

Before I had time to think about anything I made a leap of faith off the roof of my home.

I landed harshly on my side. It hurt, but it was nothing compared to the years of abuse that I was running away from. I quickly got up and ran for my life.

The ground was slick and muddy, causing me to trip from time to time. The further away I got from home the worse the storm got. I walked aimlessly, with no place to go, I just knew I had to put as much distance between myself and my father as possible.

~??? POV~
It was pitiful to watch as Ben ran away from home. Tears streamed down his face with the pouring rain. Rain soaked through every ounce of clothing. Yet no emotion showed on his face. I became emotional myself, for I've been watching this boy since the day he was born.

I remember seeing the first day his father hit him. He was less than 2 years of age, he had no comprehension of what was going on. He cried his tiny little head off until no tears came anymore.

The way he grew up hoping his entire life was some hoax, and he that would wake up anytime with loving parents and a normal life, was sickening to me.

I knew I had one job, and that was to take the boy under my wing. I would make the boy one of my own. Doing that, however, was long, 19 year process.

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