Where it all began

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Kiri's POV

Many people believe that if a child is planned, its because usually the parents have a hard time making one. And if a child wasn't planned, it was a mistake. But I dont see my child that way. I'm Kiri, I'm a young mother and my daughter is named Sei. My love for my daughter is legitimate, but how she was born wasn't...

It all started at U.A. , the place where a rising hero's dreams came true. I was lucky enough to land myself in the 1-A class with my mediocre Dragon quirk. 14 years young I was excited, and ready to take on whatever obstacle I had in my way of becoming a hero. But...the heart can be a traitor, because my real villain was love.

Endeavour, 29 years old at the time. So big and handsome with his fiery personality. I'd always dreamed of marrying the older man, not even for fame and fortune but I truly felt love. Maybe it was the hormones from puberty, or making up the perfect man I thought Enji Todoroki was, but I wanted him.

I was in the same school and class year as Shoto Aizawa. For a while I thought of ending my obsession and giving him a shot, you know since he's my age and all. Maybe it's the daddy issues.

"You got alot of offers for internships I see"

"Hm?" I reply to Shoto. He rolls his naturally half-life tired eyes, knowing I zoned out. He doesnt know about my crush on the fire hero, and honestly no one does.

"So what Sho? Who knows why they picked me" I say with a huff. Now I will say this, I'm not self concious of looks cause i feel pretty confident in that section. It's always been my quirk that has me putting myself down. I hear a tch noise and know I've annoyed Shoto with my low self esteem. He decided to ignore it and continue talking to me about internships. As I look up I notice our teacher handing out packets of agencies who've sought our talents out for.

As I flip through boredly, I notice a name and realize it was meant to be.

And i know i dont have to say who it is for you to know....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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