Chapter 2

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The Dursleys and the Breakfast

(Harry's POV)

I woke up to the sound of a shrill screech and glass shattering.

'Well, they leave me with the Dursleys in this timeline, too. Good to know,' I thought. The wicker basket I was laying in was picked up and hurriedly carried inside and carelessly thrown into the cupboard under the stairs. 'What's the point of being the Master of Death if I'm stuck in a place like this and am unable to use magic?'

I closed my eyes and entered my mindscape. The only thing I noticed that was different at first glance was the piece of Tom's soul, which was the same colour as the ocean. But when I looked again, I saw a small, barely noticeable purple ball of light, a piece of a soul, right next to Tom's.

I found this incredibly odd. Whose soul piece was this? And how did it get here in the first place? I reached out and touched the light before being overwhelmed with sensations.

I saw the familiar face of my mother peering down at me, well, not me but whoever's eyes I'm seeing through. Tears were trickling down her face and I heard her sniffle a few times.

"You look so much like your brother..." she whispered, "My poor Hadrian. What happened to you? Why was your core so drained?" she paused for a moment, as though hoping an answer would come to her, "Silly, silly Lily. He can't hear you... but I really wish he could."

I let go of the soul piece. Violetta's soul piece.

'So mum wants me to be with her. Why am I here then? Why doesn't she just come over here and pick me up herself?' I pondered this for a moment, 'Did they think me a squib and believed it better for me to live in the muggle world?' I scowled, 'Probably. Or maybe Dumbledore wanted me to be malleable when I reenter the magical world.'

I left my mindscape and opened my eyes. The familiar ceiling of the cupboard was all I could see.

'This is going to be a long ten years...'

~Time skip to March 17, 1985~

I'm four years old now and the Dursleys and I have been moderately civil. But I remember this date very clearly. It was the day they made me start doing all the chores around the house. In my first life, they had said that a boy my age ought to be working for my keep.

Sure enough, Vernon poked his head in my cupboard and told me that I would be working around the house from now on. I sighed inwardly.

'Goodbye leasure, hello endless pain and suffering,' I thought before leaving the cupboard I called my bedroom.

I moved throughout the kitchen swiftly, my cooking skills honed almost to perfection with roughly fifteen years of working like a house elf for the Dursleys. I grabbed the frying pan and a spatula and started making a breakfast that I knew I probably wouldn't be allowed to eat.

After everything was cooked, I took one of the plates that I had put the food on and walked over to the table, serving Vernon first before going back to grab Petunia's plate and serve her, then going back again for Dudley's plate. Vernon eyed me suspiciously. He was probably wondering how I got the food made and served so swiftly. I ignored his gaze and moved back to the kitchen to wash off the pan and spatula.

Right after I picked up the pan and was preparing to wash it, my ears rang with the sound of a little girl's voice crying out for help. The pan fell from my hand. I had heard that voice before; it was Violetta. She needed help.

Abandoning all logic, I ran out the back door and apparated away to Merlin-knows-where. I disappeared from Privet Drive with a pop.

I reappeared in what looked to be a forest. I could still hear the voice. Running to where I believed - no, knew - the voice was coming from, I jumped over roots and wound my way around the trees. The more I ran, the louder the voice got.

I came to a screeching halt when I saw the figure of a small girl with midnight black hair that went down to the middle of her back. She had tears streaming down her face and forest green eyes were alight with pain and sadness.

"Are you okay?" I asked. The girl jumped and looked up at me in fear.

'I can't speak, so how do I communicate with him? I don't know if he knows sign language!' I heard the same voice speak.

She looked away from me with sadness. Only then did I see the lightning bolt scar on her forehead.

"Are you Violetta Potter, by any chance?" She nodded but kept her gaze locked on the forest floor. Violetta tried to stand up, but winced and fell backwards onto the ground. "Did you hurt yourself?" She nodded, "Where?" She pointed at her left leg. I moved closer and noticed her flinch away. "Don't worry, I'm going to heal it."

I placed my hands gently on the place she indicated and let my magic heal the fractured bone. When I was finished, I reeled my magic back in and asked, "Do you want me to walk you back to your house?" She gave a simple nod in return.

I took her hand in mine and told her, "Lead the way."

Violetta led us through the forest with ease and then to a very large manor, one that could rival the Malfoy's. She went to the back door and knocked three times. When it opened, I saw the face of my father.

"Vi! Oh Merlin, you're okay! We were just about to send my whole Auror team to find you!"

*Father, this boy helped me when I got hurt in the forest. Could he stay for breakfast?* Violetta signed.

"Of course! Anyone who helps my daughter is welcome to eat with us!" James ushered us inside and practically dragged us into the dining room, where breakfast was supposedly being served.

James sat us down and took his own seat. Lily came inside a moment later with all the food levitating behind her. She set it all down gently and sat.

"Who is this, Vi?" Lily asked conversationally.

*He helped me when I got hurt in the forest. I never did get his name, though.*

"What's your name?" James asked me.

"My name is Harry, Mr. Potter," I lied. I really don't need them finding out who I really am.

"No need for the whole Mr. and Mrs. thing Harry. It makes us feel old." Lily joked, "You can call us Lily and James."

Breakfast went as one would expect, eating food and light conversation here and there. Soon, I had eaten my fill and excused myself from the table. Violetta jumped up and pulled me into a hug. I returned it easily and whispered in her ear, "If you ever need help, just call out my name in your mind and I will be there, okay?" She nodded and let go, returning to her chair. I ran into the forest so I was out of sight and apparated back to Number 4.

(1230 words)

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