"Why? I want to ask you BG , Why on earth my mother agree to stay with that idiot owner she could have found another house easily", ragini complains.

"If you are done cursing then come soon after changing ,aunty will be back from mandir soon", kabir from outside shouts while ragini pouts annoyingly.

"Coming", she shouts as she cleans her bed and wears the suit kabir wants her to.

"Yeah i want you to find her as soon as possible. Hmmm thank you.", shehkar cuts the call , and dials Mishti number again.

"Urghh this stubborn girl i dont understand what she wants she deliberately made me stuck in this position, I'll make sure to block all her credit cards", shehkar says as she throws the calender comes in his hand and sits holding his head feeling frustated.


"What the hell,you withdraw this much money from your account but why?", pari shouts as she saw mishti hiding the money in her cupboard.

Mishti turns with a proud smile," because i know my so called smart father he'll definitely block all my cards and accounts to tell me he's the one in power but he forgets i am his child, unfortunately", she says and turns again. Pari shakes her head.

"But you shouldn't have done that mishti, he must be worried for you", pari says as she hands her stuff to her.

Mishti takes the stuff with a sadist smile," yeah he must've been worried but not for me, but for the people who are coming to see me".

"You only said that their son lives here only then why don't you meet him here", suggest pari as they sits on couch after settling her things.

"The problem is not the alliance here pari, it's something else i want from him and I'll not do anything he'll say until he listens to mine", mishti says as she release a deep breath.

"Oh, so why don't you go and meet the person and in exchange you ask for the thing you want", pari says as she gives her a "try it" look while a huge crept appears on her lips.

"You know pari I love You", she hugs pari and smiles brightly.

"Now i know What i need", she thinks in her head and smiles determinedly.


"Booooooooooo", janki jerked as the thalli falls from her hand while ragini starts laughing loudly.

"Ragu", janki tiwsted her ears while ragini shrieked.

"Maaa plzz", she pleads and rubs her ears as janki leaves her and give her a fake glare.

"Happy Birthday Maa", she crushed janki in a bear hug while janki smiles responding her.

"It is necessary to scare me everyday i come back from mandir", asked janki as she gives her Prasad.

"Ofcourse maa, if I'll not scare then how'll you know that you live wit....", her words were cut off by kabir who just come.

"With a churail, see i complete it", kabir says as he bows in front of them.

Janki giggles while ragini frowns.

"Happy Birthday Aunty", kabir hugs janki and took blessings from her.

"Agya kabab mai haddii", ragini mutters under her breath as janki pats his head.

"So where is my gift?",janki asked as she forward her hand towards her children.

Ragini grins as she took her hand and drags her with her to janki room.

"Surprise", ragini shouts as she opens the door of her room and rose petals falls on janki.

Hera Pheri- Mishaan RagSan Where stories live. Discover now