Xara opens the door home and walks to her room. "You'll be okay" Xara places Rookie on her bed. Rookie makes sniff sniff noises. "Aww his cute!" Xara silently says to herself. "How's it goi-" Dad sees an eevee on Xara's bed crying. "My eevee bumped into a wall hard on his head while I was walking with him and started crying" Xara says to her father. "Ok... Take care of it... If you have to, you can go The the Pokémon center" Dad says to Xara. "Ok... I'm still worried about Rookie" Xara tells her dad. "Yeah... Their still investigating, I hope he is ok" Dad tells his daughter. Dad leaves the room. {I-I'm sorry...} "E-Egui eeveh..." Rookie says to Xara. Xara turns around to see her brother and sits beside him on the bed. "I wish I could go back to time and... Fix all of this" Xara says to her brother. {Yeah me too} "Eva gui" Rookie Responds. "Your cute though" Xara giggles. {I hate that} "Eh Eva eevee" Rookie reply's. Xara pets her brother. {This feels good!} "Eevee gui eva!" Rookie says loving being petted.

"We're home!" Emma says opening the door the her house. {Home...} "Aah..." Frost says. {I feel bad for that eevee... IF I could do something about this...} "Ah Vulpix Vulpix... Eh Eah Aaah Vulpix..." Frost says to himself walking inside Emma's house. {Wow this house is... Well decorated! Beautiful!} "Aah! Vulpix... Eah Aah! Vulpix!" Frost says. "Since you don't like being inside a pokèball you can be on the couch for a while... I'm going to rest.." Emma says going to her bedroom. {I wonder what I'm going to do-} "Eh Vulpix Vulpix-" Frost stops. "Just kidding!" Emma says picking up Frost. {What?} "Eh?" Frost says confused. Emma puts him on her bed and combs him. Hours later Frost forgets some of his past human memories and slowly starts becoming more like a normal Pokémon. Emma shows her Vulpix love and love for hours till he gets six tails. "Ok let's go training!" Says Emma. "Hop on my shoulder!" Emma says to Frost. {Ok!} "Ah!" Frost Jumps on Emma's left right shoulder. "Hang on!" Emma says fast walking to a Pokémon gym. A few minutes later Xara and Rookie walk near the Pokémon gym and both saw Emma and Frost. "Hey you the lady who has orange hair with the Vulpix!" Xara yells at Emma. Emma turns to see Xara and walks towards her. "Hey it's you again I'm sorry about that earlier.." Emma says to Xara. "It's ok what are up to?" Xara says to Emma. "Well... I'm going to train my Vulpix!" Emma Responds to Xara. "Heyy.. Do you mind if my eevee can train with yours? Like a Pokémon battle?" Xara says to Emma slowly looking at eevee with a evil smile on her face. {No} "Eva" Rookie says to her sister. "Sure!" Emma says exited. Minutes later Xara and Emma get inside the gym. "Alolan Vulpix, I choose you!" Emma yells. "Sorry I just want to see how ya fight! Go! Your a man!" Xara silently yells at Rookie. {Darn it!..} "Eevee!" Rookie slowly walks towards Frost. "Frost use Iceshard!" {Wait What?! No please get me out of here!} "Eva gui?! Gui eeve evee eevee!" Rookie says with a lot of fear. Minutes later Rookie learned Tail whip and tackle. {I only know Tail whip and tackle...} Rookie says sadly. {I learned a lot of moves!} Frost says to Rookie.

"Do you want to be friends with me?" Xara says to Emma. "Sure what's your name? My name is Emma" Responds Emma to Xara. "My name is Xara, you have a beautiful name!" Xara says to Emma. "Nice to meet you then" Emma says to Xara. {So... how are we going to change back into human? You said earlier in the day that you had a way right?} Rookie says to Frost. {What? What do you mean by turning human!} Frost laughs. {Wait What? Don't you remember what you said to me? Don't play with me right now!} Rookie says to Frost seriously. {Are you angry about something? I don't remember meeting you today... well we were training that's all I remember} Frost says to Rookie. {You were right... If I stay in this body I will be the same as you, I will forget everything!} Rookie says running away from the gym crying. {What did I do?} Frost says to himself confused. "Yeah and my Vulpix grew six tails!-" Emma gets interrupted. "Rookie where are you going!" Xara yells running towards Rookie. {No!} "Eva!" Rookie yells running as fast as he can in the wild. Xara runs through a crowd of people and bumps into a charmeleon. "S-Sorry!" Xara yells and bumps into a lot of people and Pokémon. Two hours had passed and Rookie looses himself in the wild. The sun is rising down and Rookie is next into a waterfall. {He-Help!} "Ev-Eevee!" Rookie yells crying. Xara runs into a Pokémon center. "Does anyone know how to track down my Pokémon!?" Xara says to the people. "It's lost!" Xara cries. Minutes later the people try to help her out but could not help at all. Xara opens the door to the house and lays down on her bed crying. "Is anything ok?" Dad says to Xara. "No! I miss My brother!" Xara yells crying. "Yeah..." Dad sits down next to her on her bed. Xara's dad tries to cheer her up. "Get out of here dad I need my own space!" Yells Xara at her dad. "Ok" Xara's dad walks away from her room. Xara's dad hears a knock on the door from the outside and opens it. "Hello my name is ADAM... I'm giving away free gems around this neighborhood, in random houses not all of them.. You are lucky would you want to choose one?" Adam says to Xara's dad opening up his briefcase filled with 5 gems and the rest of the five are taken. "Sure!... I will take this one thank you very much... these look nice! Have a good one sir" Xara's dad says to Adam taking a aqua transparent colored gem with blue lines over the gem with a light gray symbol in the middle of it. "Thank you have a good day sir" Adam laughs walking away. "Ok..." Dad says seeing the gem on his hands. "I should give this to my daughter... She might like this" Dad says to himself walking towards Xara's room. Dad felt a strange feeling in the gem going towards his hands with heat. "Oof that burns!" Dad yells. Xara wakes up and a small part of the house blows up where dad was standing. "Dad!" Xara yells worried walking towards the exploded part of the house. Instead of Xara's dad she sees a Oshawott. "Dad?" Xara yells in fear looking at the Oshawott. The Oshawott faints to the floor and sleeps. Xara just stares at the Oshawott.

{Hello!} "Squirtle!" A Squirtle yells at Rookie. {Hello...} "Eevee..." Rookie says wiping his tears off. {Something wrong?} The Squirtle says to Rookie. {Nah... Nothings wrong.. I'm going to sleep good night} Rookie says sleeping. {Uhm.. good night eevee?..} Squirtle walks into the waterfall. An hour later Adam walks inside a laboratory with a metallic briefcase. "All the gems have been taken but to make this quicker... I need everyone one to..." Adam stops and places his briefcase in a table and opens it up. Adam then puts on a pair of black leather gloves. Adam walks forward into this machine that produces Pokémon transforming gems. "Wait... How many scientists are in this building?" Asks Adam to this random scientist. "There's hundred and fifty scientists in this building sir" The scientist responds to Adam. "Call them all in here I need them all... all of them" Adam says to the scientist. Minutes later Adam tells all the scientists to line up in a straight line. "I need all of you to take all your gloves off and grab with YOUR HANDS the Riolu gems over there in the machinery... I'm glad that there are hundred and fifty scientists here and only one thousand Riolu gems in the giant machine over there, If y'all don't grab those gems and turn your selfs into Riolu's I will have to kill all of you... there IS a reason why I'm doing this but I will explain more later till all of you touch those gems... NOW!" Yells Adam to the scientist's. A hour in the half later the whole building is filled with Riolu scientists. "Ok... The reason why I made all of y'all into Riolu's is because is that because I need all of you to give half the people in this country gems... So they can turn into wild Pokémon.. The reason for that is because there is more human population in this planet and there should be a balanced world not a world that will die one day because of humans... Pokémon keep the world balanced, natural, but humans cause pollution, broken and abandoned buildings, Littering the planet... and other bad stuff to this planet" Adam says turning away from the Riolu scientist's. "GO, there's three hundred metallic briefcases on those tables over there, grab them and go to random people and give those gems for free, One per person... And I-" Adam stops. Mewtwo  teleported inside the laboratory in the same room Adam and his army of Riolu's were and exploded the entire building.

"I know what your doing Mr. Adam!" Mewtwo yells at Adam. Adam Attempts to run away from Mewtwo. "Your not going anywhere!" Mewtwo says pulling Adam to him. "Noo!" Adam yells. Mewtwo grabs Adam from the neck. "I blowed up all the gems and the factories that you made to make those gems! My reward is killing you!" Mewtwo yells at Adam. Adam quickly rotates a button on his watch and turns into a small Barboach and falls out of Mewtwo's hands. "My job is DONE!" Mewtwo yells angrily.

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